Motorcycle Roads in Virginia
"Virginia (VA) ""is for lovers"" and motorcycle lovers will especially love this state as it has become one of the best motorcycle road states in America ... rich in beauty, history, and amenities! Motorcycle rider's menu of scenery will include the Appalachian mountains, the Shenandoah Valley, and 112 miles of Atlantic coastline. The historical attractions include the country's first permanent English settlement at Jamestown, and some of the most important battlefields from both the Revolutionary and Civil wars (ex. Fredericksburg, Yorktown).
Best Rated Motorcycle Roads & Rides
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Color Key: top-5 ranked routes in the state
Routes ranked below the top-5 are drawn in gray
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Not much to really see on this short ride, but trees. You will mostly be concentrating on the road in front of you.
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
This is a nice cruise to the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mts and back. Lots of scenery with rolling hills and farmland and nice views of the Blue Ridge Mts in the distance too.
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
This route starts out in some thick wooded areas as you twist through the turns. Later you will then ride through a very scenic farm on your way back up to 208 and on to wherever you may roam.
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
The route has great open fields and open backroads thru the ride.
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Beautiful views of the mountains and country farmlands, a few small towns, a couple of wineries.
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
This is a great country route through many rolling hills, valleys and over high hills in the mountains. You'll see beautiful farms and scenic overlooks.
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Very challenging turns, but unique roads as they are inclined to the turn. Trees, forest and mountain views. Reaching the top gives you the option to make your way along the ridge to a beautiful…
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Route makes multiple climbs with frequent views of the valleys. Much of the ride is along rivers and lunch is beside rapids of river in Kingsport.
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
The only downside to this road is that it is lined with trees and some houses most of the way. You can really get down low but speed is limited more by not seeing around the corner. Once you hit…
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Ride takes you through the woods, past country homes, and through wide open fields with long, beautiful views. You also pass a couple small ponds/creeks that are a nice place to explore, but they're…
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
This route is 41 miles of better-than-the-Skyline Drive riding and takes riders from the northern end of the Skyline Drive into some of the oldest settled land that was once Colonial Virginia. The…
Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Heading out of Grundy, you travel the mountainous terrain of VA/WV. The roads are a little rough but the scenery is worth seeing. Once you get on Highway 52, you travel through one coal camp into…