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3.5 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.5
5 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Nov 30, 2007

Rider Reviews

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September 13, 2009
I ride this road often. It has some great views…
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March 5, 2009
I have been out on this road several times it is…

Written Directions

Start in the town of Waterlick (just east of Strasburg). In Waterlick you will find the starting road - Fort Valley Road and want to take this south for about 20 miles. When Fort Valley Road runs into Route 675, take a left on to Route 675 (you'll be heading southeast). Now stay on 675 till it takes you into the town of Luray. In Luray you want to now get on to US Hwy 211 (Lee Hwy). Take Hwy 211 through Shenandoah National Park and to the route's end point of Sperryville, VA. As suggested above, I highly suggest you turn around and go back. Enjoy


Fort Valley Road takes you along a picturesque forest (Shenandoah National Park) and creek-bed before it deposits you in a gorgeous valley.VA 675 ends taking you up up up and over a mountain as does US Hwy 211 - both roads offer some spectacular views!

Drive Enjoyment

Fort Valley road starts-off with a series of sweepers as it follows a creek-bed. You will hug the corners of some sheer rock walls and wind through thick forest. (part of the George Washington Nat'l Forest). After a few miles the road opens-up and you are treated to more gentle curves as you ride through a beautiful scenic valley.Turn left onto VA675 (after about 23 miles) and things change-up significantly as you are greeted with significant elevation change and some switchbacks that head-up and over the mountain. At the end of 675 you will want to pick-up US 211 East and head for the Thornton Gap which switchbacks up and over the Shenandoah Mountain range. This road offers tons of peg scraping twisties - its a thrilling ride. Be careful - this section is heavily patrolled by VA's finest because so many squids push-it beyond their limits here. Once over the mountain things ease-up a bit. I recommend turning around having another go at US211, VA675 and Fort Valley Rd!

Tourism Opportunities

The town of Luray sits at the intersection of VA675 and US211 - there are several places to stop for food and fuel. Also - the entrance to Skyline drive is at the top of the Shenandoah Mountain as you pass through the Thornton Gap ... here is where you can visit Shenandoah National Park.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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September 13, 2009
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
I ride this road often. It has some great views and not overly traveled. Watch yourself in the turns, some carry quite a bit of gravel.
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March 5, 2009
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I have been out on this road several times it is a great road to ride just watch out for the turn that is up-hill and basically a u-turn sign says 5 mph and if there is a car coming the opposite way hold on
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September 12, 2017
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Enduro
I rode this route over the past weekend and it was great. I live in Alexandria, VA. The ride from Warrenton to Sperryville to begin the prescribed route is really nice too, especially through Shenandoah National Park. All roads on the route were in very good shape. Traffic during mid-day Sunday was light. There is a spot that offers a spectacular view of the valley once you accend the mountain on 675 past Luray. You can stop there to take it in. After you descend from that spot you will hit a very tight corner after a few minutes. Heed the 5MPH warning sign.
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