Overall Route Rating
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3.8 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.8
10 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By MCR Contributor (1039 McR Points) on May 18, 2011

Rider Reviews

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2 McR Points
June 15, 2013
I did this ride today and felt the Hwy 5 was way…
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2 McR Points
November 3, 2011
This is a beautiful ride in the fall when the…

Written Directions

Williamsburg- James Tyler Rd. off of Rt199. Follow it out to Rt. 5 and then take a left. Take 5 all the way up to I295 or follow another 10 miles into Richmond for food and a break (back track to I295). Follow I295 to Hopewell exit. Follow through Hopewell and continue till you hit a T intersection. Take a right into Surry go straight through the fourway intersection. Follow that to the Jamestown Ferry. Take ferry back across to The Colonial Parkway and then down to Yorktown for a beer or icecream, suggest the Yorktown Pub on the waterfront. This is my favorite all day ride.

For a bonus ride, consider going into Shokoe Bottom in Richmond. Alternate route is to follow Rt. 10 all the way down to Suffolk and come back across the James River Bridge into Hampton.


Old route along James River plantations, awesome in summer and fall. That crosses over into Richmond by the battlefield then over the bridge and back down the other side. Catch a ferry ride back and down the Historic Colonial Parkway to the Battlefield at Yorktown.

Drive Enjoyment

Main sections are well paved with some newer sections of blacktop. Every spring they fix damage from the snow plows.

Tourism Opportunities

Rt5 comes out in Shockoe Bottom in Richmond with tuns of places to eat and shop. Second half on Rt10 has plenty of places as well, and the end of the route has plenty to choose from.

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August 3, 2019
6 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Very easy ride with nice turns and good roads. Nice farm land scenery.
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