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By mchance (900 McR Points) on Mar 20, 2024

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Written Directions

Take your best route to the intersection of Antire Road and Jim Weber Road (approximately 3 miles south on Antire Road from I-44 exit 269). Head west on Jim Weber Road for 3.4 miles, which ends at the intersection with Hwy PP/Twin River Road.


The route travels through woods nearly the entire length, with nice scenery in the spring with flowering trees and wildflowers, great fall colors, and providing cool shade during the summer.

Drive Enjoyment

This is a very twisty and hilly route, with a some very technical turns that need to be respected. There a few unmarked turns that should be taken slower than the posted 30 MPH speed limit for the road, and one 15 MPH turn that is accurately marked. The pavement is a mix of newer rolled asphalt and older but well maintained chip and seal.

Tourism Opportunities

There are no tourism opportunities along the route, or immediately at either end, but there are several in the general area.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

This is a nice, challenging connector road between Antire Road and Twin River Road (and Hwy W at the end of Twin River Rd).

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