2 in California of 138 Routes 140 Miles 3 Followers
42 Rode it 104 Want to Ride it
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4.68 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.68
62 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Jul 31, 2007

Rider Reviews

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Just completed Red Bluff to Fortuna on route 36.…
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I was just riding 36 and hwy 3 today it's a great…

Written Directions

start in REDBLUFF , CA . hwy 36 , going WEST ,towards FORTUNA ,CA . there will be no mistake you are on the right road when you see the twisty road sign that has " next 140 miles " under the arrow . stay on highway 36 until it ends in FORTUNA , CA . ENJOY AND BE SAFE !!! LITTLE OR NO CELL RECEPTION !!!.


some pretty decent view's from higher elevations , also goes through the redwood forest ... but you won't have much time to take your eyes off the twisties anyway!!!

Drive Enjoyment

most likely the craziest elevation changes you will ever see (in the eastern portion from red bluff ,CA ) . truly resembles a rollercoaster in spots . this road is 140 miles of twisty heaven ,I'm not kidding !! very good road surface ,though it does get a little rough in spots farther west, and the center line briefly disappears for a few miles farther west . lots of places with out guardrails ,and long drops ,so be careful!!! every road will seem very trivial after you ride this. this 140 miles will take around 4 hours to do.

Note: BE SAFE BE SAFE BE SAFE !!!! most roads we travel don't do anything too "weird" . this is the exception .this road ( mainly on the eastern portion ,first 20 or so miles ) will have you going up a hill , making a right at the top ,and before you can even see over the crest , as your still turning right ,the road goes left .serious. after the rollercoaster road has smoothed out, its somewhat readable from there on ,but NEVER predictable !!! i have some pictures on my myspace page ,will try and get some up here too :-)

The perfect road !!! this is just a very small sample very nice turns

Tourism Opportunities

i seem to remember only 2 gas stations ( neither have super fill waaay up in red bluff ) and maybe 3 spots for food . not much out there but crazy fun !!! Another view along the amazing Rt 36

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Just completed Red Bluff to Fortuna on route 36. Unbelievable! Here in the UK we have some twisties but none that go on for 140 miles through spectacular scenery on roads that no one else seems to use! Rode "two up" on a 2006 Harley Softail Heritage which was good for the first 70 miles but very limited thereafter. Asked several people in Red Bluff if there was fuel on the way but no one knew. Why? Because no one used the road. On hearing that, I brimmed the bikewith premium, rode past the sign "twisties next 140 miles", held my breath and hoped for the best as the Harley was good on the straights for 130'ish miles from a tank. The first 40 odd miles are sweeping curves on glorious tarmac with supreme contours in the road. Through ranching country towards the snow-capped hills, after 48 miles there is Plantina. One store with one gas pump selling regular. Filled up, had a coffee and a chat with the lady who must see very few people in her daily routine and headed on, safe in the knowledge that I would reach Fortuna. I could relax, but not too much as the corners and views on the middle section are equally spectacular and can take you by surprise. Stop as much as you can cause you wont see this scenery every day! The road surfaces in the middle section are sometimes very rough with rockfalls and gravel to contend with but once through that, the last third of this road mirrors the first section with more sweeping bends allowing you to plan two and three corners in advance. I cant do justice to this road. I ride the TT course on the Isle of Man every year and that takes my breath away but the length, the road quality, the scenery, the cambers the sheer emptiness of both the road and the countryside is amazing. I went from Red Bluff to Fortuna and never came across another vehicle going westbound. I was riding for periods of 15 to 20 minutes without seeing another vehicle. Amazing! One regret, Harleys are the wrong bike for this road. I ride an Aprilia RSV R which would be good but could I stand after 140 miles of route 36? At my age I doubt it. Best bike in my opinion, any "sit-up" V-twin (Aprilia Tuono, Ducati Monster or Streetfighter) with good ground clearance. The engine does the braking leaving you off the brake lever able to look at the spectacular road that is coming at you at great speed. Do this road and every other one will fade into mediocrity. Frazzamacca, UK.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I was just riding 36 and hwy 3 today it's a great road but not the best in the area. I live in Redding and ride this area a lot and much prefer hwy 3 from 36 through hayfork on up to Yreka. If you are into some really fast riding try Gazelle (north of Weed) to Cecilville, there is absolutly no traffic (or cops) and the road from Callahan to Cecilville is unbelievable. If you really are adventuresome try the "Forks of the Salmon" loop from Callahan through Cecilville along the south fork of the Salmon then back up the north fork on Sawyers Bar Rd to Etna. I live in motorcycle heaven!
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Motorcycle Type : Touring
Just got back from Hwy36. I ride about 35000-40000 miles a year and Hwy 36 was probably the best CA road I have ridden. Lost some metal on the floor boards and sow some great sites. One caution, west side of road has about 5 miles of no lines, guard rails, and very narrow. Add that to the speeding locals and watch out. If you ride, ride 36.
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999Long Rider
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I have been across SR-36 more times than I can count in the past 40 years. Often on a motorcycle. I love this road. It is much safer than it used to be by far. HOWEVER, it has many obstacles in the form of gravel on blind corners, rocks from slides, oncoming vehicles in your lane around blind corners, big trucks, locals driving fast, etc, etc. S-o-o-o, be very careful. What has become known as the "Rollercoaster" section (named decades ago) starts west of Red Bluff & continues for 20 miles (?) or so. Most of the original roller coaster is gone, replaced by re-routing of the road years ago. BUT, there are several reminders of that road still left. Off camber tight corners, rises that can get you air born by surprise, Hidden corners right after a steep rise & fall. If care is taken, this road is awesome. Here are a few suggestions for first timers- (1) If you can"t see asphalt beyond the rise, SLOW way down, road may turn sharply & force you into oncoming lane or the bank. (2) Watch for hidden gravel around Every blind corner, vehicles dip into inside corners & spray gravel all over, very common. (3) If you don't already, learn to use outside edge of road on left corners (I prefer a late braking style), squaring off @ apex, gives you room & a chance to alter you path as needed when a giant dodge pick-up is in the middle of your road. (4) Right hand blind corners I use late braking/square the corner style, however must be ready to dive to the inside if vehicle in your lane & avoid gravel at the same time. (5) Don't leave red Bluff with out a full tank, Platina not always available, next fuel is Dinsmore. If heading east, fill up in Dinsmore. (6) It can get cold @ higher elevations, even in August. While it will probably be warm that time of year, be prepared anyway. (7) Critters, lots of them any time of year. I think I've hit 1 million squirrels over the years... Avoiding small animals is often a dangerous proposition on a road like this. I've hit a deer, had a few close ones with black bears... Mailboxes = dogs!!! This road has fantastic vistas, incredible elevation changes, corners, a few straights, wonderful river accesses, a few campgrounds, redwoods to almost high desert, old homesteads, farms, ranches & a lot of "way out there"!!! Be careful & enjoy
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