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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Just completed Red Bluff to Fortuna on route 36. Unbelievable! Here in the UK we have some twisties but none that go on for 140 miles through spectacular scenery on roads that no one else seems to use! Rode "two up" on a 2006 Harley Softail Heritage which was good for the first 70 miles but very limited thereafter. Asked several people in Red Bluff if there was fuel on the way but no one knew. Why? Because no one used the road. On hearing that, I brimmed the bikewith premium, rode past the sign "twisties next 140 miles", held my breath and hoped for the best as the Harley was good on the straights for 130'ish miles from a tank. The first 40 odd miles are sweeping curves on glorious tarmac with supreme contours in the road. Through ranching country towards the snow-capped hills, after 48 miles there is Plantina. One store with one gas pump selling regular. Filled up, had a coffee and a chat with the lady who must see very few people in her daily routine and headed on, safe in the knowledge that I would reach Fortuna. I could relax, but not too much as the corners and views on the middle section are equally spectacular and can take you by surprise. Stop as much as you can cause you wont see this scenery every day! The road surfaces in the middle section are sometimes very rough with rockfalls and gravel to contend with but once through that, the last third of this road mirrors the first section with more sweeping bends allowing you to plan two and three corners in advance. I cant do justice to this road. I ride the TT course on the Isle of Man every year and that takes my breath away but the length, the road quality, the scenery, the cambers the sheer emptiness of both the road and the countryside is amazing. I went from Red Bluff to Fortuna and never came across another vehicle going westbound. I was riding for periods of 15 to 20 minutes without seeing another vehicle. Amazing! One regret, Harleys are the wrong bike for this road. I ride an Aprilia RSV R which would be good but could I stand after 140 miles of route 36? At my age I doubt it. Best bike in my opinion, any "sit-up" V-twin (Aprilia Tuono, Ducati Monster or Streetfighter) with good ground clearance. The engine does the braking leaving you off the brake lever able to look at the spectacular road that is coming at you at great speed. Do this road and every other one will fade into mediocrity. Frazzamacca, UK.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I was just riding 36 and hwy 3 today it's a great road but not the best in the area. I live in Redding and ride this area a lot and much prefer hwy 3 from 36 through hayfork on up to Yreka. If you are into some really fast riding try Gazelle (north of Weed) to Cecilville, there is absolutly no traffic (or cops) and the road from Callahan to Cecilville is unbelievable. If you really are adventuresome try the "Forks of the Salmon" loop from Callahan through Cecilville along the south fork of the Salmon then back up the north fork on Sawyers Bar Rd to Etna. I live in motorcycle heaven!
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999Long Rider
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I have been across SR-36 more times than I can count in the past 40 years. Often on a motorcycle. I love this road. It is much safer than it used to be by far. HOWEVER, it has many obstacles in the form of gravel on blind corners, rocks from slides, oncoming vehicles in your lane around blind corners, big trucks, locals driving fast, etc, etc. S-o-o-o, be very careful. What has become known as the "Rollercoaster" section (named decades ago) starts west of Red Bluff & continues for 20 miles (?) or so. Most of the original roller coaster is gone, replaced by re-routing of the road years ago. BUT, there are several reminders of that road still left. Off camber tight corners, rises that can get you air born by surprise, Hidden corners right after a steep rise & fall. If care is taken, this road is awesome. Here are a few suggestions for first timers- (1) If you can"t see asphalt beyond the rise, SLOW way down, road may turn sharply & force you into oncoming lane or the bank. (2) Watch for hidden gravel around Every blind corner, vehicles dip into inside corners & spray gravel all over, very common. (3) If you don't already, learn to use outside edge of road on left corners (I prefer a late braking style), squaring off @ apex, gives you room & a chance to alter you path as needed when a giant dodge pick-up is in the middle of your road. (4) Right hand blind corners I use late braking/square the corner style, however must be ready to dive to the inside if vehicle in your lane & avoid gravel at the same time. (5) Don't leave red Bluff with out a full tank, Platina not always available, next fuel is Dinsmore. If heading east, fill up in Dinsmore. (6) It can get cold @ higher elevations, even in August. While it will probably be warm that time of year, be prepared anyway. (7) Critters, lots of them any time of year. I think I've hit 1 million squirrels over the years... Avoiding small animals is often a dangerous proposition on a road like this. I've hit a deer, had a few close ones with black bears... Mailboxes = dogs!!! This road has fantastic vistas, incredible elevation changes, corners, a few straights, wonderful river accesses, a few campgrounds, redwoods to almost high desert, old homesteads, farms, ranches & a lot of "way out there"!!! Be careful & enjoy
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Just got back from Hwy36. I ride about 35000-40000 miles a year and Hwy 36 was probably the best CA road I have ridden. Lost some metal on the floor boards and sow some great sites. One caution, west side of road has about 5 miles of no lines, guard rails, and very narrow. Add that to the speeding locals and watch out. If you ride, ride 36.
10 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I've done 20K miles in Southern CA and this was the best stretch. I always tell anyone looking for an epic ride. Suggest mounting a video camera to your handlebars to capture the roller coaster moments. The twisties are the most 3-dimensional sensation you can find. 140 miles is around the limit for most bikes on fuel mileage so make sure you top it off before you enter. I rode west to east and came into Red Bluff on fumes...really thought I would be stopping at a farm house to beg. Very few fuel options along the stretch so stop where you can. Gotta try it!
9 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I rode this, great road as mentioned but one (of many) things to watch for is none of the curves have "speed suggestion" signs, so every corner is a bit of a guess. Just have fun but don't push it too hard. I rode 299, south at 3 to 36, then back west to Fortuna. Goes through tight, dark redwood forest, I chased a truck that was feeling feisty, quite fun!

Also, when I went in July 2012, there was a section in the middle that was tree-covered, very dark and Deal's Gap-ish and had NO painted lines, makes it hard to gauge where you are in the road! Again, don't ride at your limit but wow, great road!
8 riders found this road review useful
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11 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I had the privilege to be able to ride this road twice during the summer of 2011. The first time was in June as part of a solo ride. Starting from Red Bluff, in the pouring rain, the first 20 miles or so was an absolute blast twisting through the grassy foot hills. Once I started up the mountain it was a bit scary - rock slides, pavement slips and a low cloud sealing made visibility less than optimal. The single track section had several heaves and slips that apparently happened that morning from the large amount of rain. I wondered several times that day what possessed me to attempt this road alone in a storm on a cruiser. Not to mention Cal-Trans was working on some bridges and running huge dump trucks pulling trailers (they take more than their share of the road- it was close). With road construction and one 30min. pit stop it took me about 4 1/2 to get into Fortuna - I made it and now had serious bragging rights lol. So when my old man and I returned to CA in August I just had to ride the road again. This time it was a very warm sunny day; Cal-trans had done an excellent job of repairing most of the road and were working on widening the single track section. We made Fortuna in just over three hours with lots of picture stops and road construction. There are many technical roads out there; however, Hwy 36 is definitely the longest technical road I've ever found.
6 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
My husband and I rode this highway last year on vacation. He rides a Tour Deluxe and I ride a Roadstar. It was an amazing and very challenging ride. I have never ridden a more challenging road!!!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Sorry to butt in on your page guys, but I drove this in my 1988 Porsche 944 Turbo S, and found this to be the most incredible road that I have ever been over. From the tight 180's to the sweepers to the awe-inspiring chicanes. Unfortunately, I didn't get into boost much, but it was a great ride. I have organized a road trip for summer 2011, and will be travelling Route 36 with 35 other Porsches.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
We started in Grass Valley on a 1000 mile loop trip. Shot up to red bluff and fueled up and then headed out Hwy 36..It was a blast. When we left red bluff it was about 102 degrees. So that was the only downfall - to hot!!! It didn't cool off until about 85 miles in, Not many places to stop and check things out, Just gas it and go. We had a blast and would recomend you check this strech of road out. We camped at grizzly creek campground. Had to ride into fortuna for diner, about 17 miles from the campgrounds.I recomend you eat at the EEL River Brewery, great food and great homemade beer. I would definatley ride this road again , but when it's a bit cooler!! Ride safe, and have fun.
6 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
All of the above and more, I remember thinking that for me the entire trip was at about 50 mph and there was not much time to look around because you were constantly lining yourself up with your line through the corner and the Apex . I don't have a sprt bike but I had a blast anyway...I will do it again...watch for animals
5 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This would be a great road for sport bikes, but not so much for my bike, which is a large, heavy, touring model. Best to take it easy riding this highway, especially if you are new to motorcycling or ride a big bike like mine. There are a lot of twists and turns and often you don't know which way the road it going to turn until you get to the crest of the hill. For the most part the road is in decent shape, but there are stretches with no centre line. Be safe!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I took this road in 2006 as part of a week long trip from SoCal to northernCa. Being on a BMW R1200RT with full luggage was a challenge to say the least. This road never quits for the full 140 miles. One corner was downhill, first gear and over 180 degrees, turning back on itself. I traveled from East to West starting in Red Bluff. About halfway through there is a very steep downhill where I started coming off the seat and sliding up over the tank! Fortunately I was going slow enough to not get airborne, as it came up abruptly. This is a road to stay alert on and not become over confident. The lighter the bike the more the fun.By the time I got to the coast my arms were sore from turning and working the clutch and throttle. I would love to do it again as I now know more what to expect. If this is not one of the best rated motorcycle roads in the U.S. it is only because it is not well known... and that's good
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
There is now only 1 gas station in Platina and only has regular. Wildwood store burned down in 2012. I've ridden this, the Dragon, Twisted Sisters and more. Hwy 36 is the #1 road in my opinion
5 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Love twisty roads and Highway 36, from the coast to Red Bluff, is one of the finest motorcycle roads I've ridden. However, watch out for trucks with long trailers. One of the riders in our group was forced off the road by a truck hauling a grader on a trailer. The truck crossed the center line, well across the on-coming traffic lane, forcing our rider to run off the road into the embankment. The rider and his passenger received minor injuries but his motorcycle was badly damaged. Could have been worse - twenty yards earlier, rather than hitting the embankment, he would have gone over a cliff and the results would have been fatal.
4 riders found this road review useful
63 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
One super ride from mile 0 to the end. The description given in the "Road Quality" section is spot-on. This is one road you will definitely remember and want to ride again. The route takes you through several elevation changes, through farming and ranching country and treed mountains. Always interesting and good scenery when you can take your eyes off the road, which isn't frequently if you are moving along. This road has over 900 bonafide curves, my wife counted them. The curves are truly curves, not like most of the 318 curves on the "Tail of the Dragon". If you counted the curves on this road like the "Dragon" you would probably have over 2500-3000 curves. This road takes several hours and you will definitely want a cool one when you stop for the evening.
4 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
This by far is one of the best rides in America. (Better than Deal's Gap and Cherohala combined!)

Elevation and temperature changes add a special flavour to this route. (You get closer to the coast, the cooler it becomes)

You like twisties with the occasional break into long sweepers, this is your ride. Plan well for gas as there are only a couple spots along the way. I rode on a Sunday and one of the gas stations were closed.

As you are riding you must stay focused as some turns become tighter than you might expect and the falling rocks add to this challenge.

Ultimately, the scenery is some of the most diverse and beautiful you will see anywhere.

Ride safe.
4 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Awesome road... Crazy twisties... Only down side, no fuel... Fill up in Red Bluff.... There is a single gas pump in Platina, however it's way over priced and it's regular. Be careful when in high elevation as there is no guard rails to prevent a long fall! A must ride... and I'm serious when I say crazy twiesties.... Have fun!
3 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Enduro
has anyone done this ride in late January?I'll be in San Fran then and was hoping to do so but wondering about potential icy road conditions away from the coast? thanks!
3 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I rode this just a few months ago and had a blast. When he say ride careful heed his warning in some spot there was gravel on the road, But there is nothing but good scenery and open road I think we saw maybe 10 cars and 5 bike on the whole 140 mile run.
2 riders found this road review useful
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39 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Rode this in 2016 and absolutely loved it. Rode West to East on a weekday afternoon. The road quality, curves, twists and scenery are amazing. Didn't know too much about this road so I was really surprised how good it was. Now I just want to go back.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I found this road excellent. Watch for deer ... they are everywhere. Regular gas can be found several places near the middle of this ride for those with limited range ....
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
No doubt about it, the #1 windiest road in California. No other road even comes close! Passengers will enjoy the ride, but be prepared for that 'queezy' feeling you get after 4 solid hours of a rollercoaster ride. BE SAFE. Wildlife is abundant, turkeys, deer, elk and bear. Crazy, crazy road. You will never be so happy to make it to the coast and relax after this one. Do head north and do the Avenue of the Giants afterwards. Nothing like that place. May i add a correction? Avenue of the Giants is SOUTH from the point of Hwy 36 intersecting Hwy 101. I live 4 miles from 36 and ride it often
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
almost all the corners are constant radius the whole trip there are only maybe 3 bad corners. watch for fresh rock slides as some of the steep cliffs drop rocks. About the lack of gas stations. there is one in dinsmore about 98 miles from red bluff and 40 from the 101 but it only has regular. the road has distinct sections with similar corners in each. The sections vary from long sweepers, tight cliff side twists, and riverside meandering fun
2 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
My wife and I, along with a small group experienced Hwy 36 in June of 2008. Incredible!! I rode Deal's Gap in 2006. If the "Gap" is referred to as the "Tail of the Dragon", the rest of the beast is Hwy 36!! Most definately a "do-over" road.
2 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
The sides of the tires on my Vmax were sponges by the end of this ride it was awesome. I stopped about 50 miles in for gas (Vmax Of Course). I'm going to ride this again atleast 3 or 4 more times this year. The ultimate ending was riding down Avenue of the Giants. Can it get any better than this? And then on to Highway 1 all the way to Santa Cruz.... If you like to ride these imo are some of the best rides in this country. Texan in California for a while...
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
We are in the area from the prairies of Canada and just loving the roads that we have experienced.

We picked up Highway 36 at Platina coming out of Redding. We are riding a Goldwing 1500, 2-up. I gotta tell you this road in indescribable. You go from a right to a left, up and down hills, switchbacks and just about anything else a road can throw at you. Quite the workout on a Goldwing.
2 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
A fabulous ride, of course. Driving west from Red Bluff, the 2nd convenience store/restaurant does have premium gas (2012) Also I rode this in late Oct. Beware - even though I started at 1 pm on a warm, sunny day. the 12 miles at the peak were still wet from the prior day's rainstorm.
2 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I lived at one end of this for a couple of years in Hydesville. I rode it every weekend I had free, Amazing ride.
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Thunderbird Storm
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I'm in California next week for 10 days and will have time to ride 36 or 299, has anyone rode either mid March and based on my limited time on this trip, any suggestions or preferences?
Contact me directly... ecard at bell dot net
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Just got back from California. I agree with all the comments. Best road I have ever riden on. The "next 140 miles" sign sez it all. Road got very dark once we hit the giant redwoods. Every road in New York seems a little easier after this experiance. Awesome!! Watch for logging trucks....
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Boots And Jeans Riders
49 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Live in California so riding this road was a must. Started in Red Bluff and road it westbound, to Fortuna CA. The road has many elevation changes through different terrain, with long sweepers to a few sharp turns. With several pull overs to take in the scenery. Great for all type of bikes, however there aren't many places to fuel up, so make sure you can make the trek without running out of fuel. the road was in pretty good condition, except for several mile towards the end We road it in the middle of the summer and it wasn't bad, a little warm but not hot. As we got closer to the Pacific Ocean, the temperature cooled. The road can get plenty of riders early on the weekends just like any great road, so if you aren't sure of your skills, you might want to save this ride for another time. After all 140 of twisted roadway can be taxing on the body and mind. Stay safe and ride this at your own pace...it isn't a road to try out you newly found skills.
1 riders found this road review useful
197 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Did this in August 2018 during fires. It is a great road. The conditions weren't the best at the time, and it was still great. It is a public highway including trucks, so be careful. It is patrolled so,.... becareful. Likely one of the best riding in California.
1 riders found this road review useful
519 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is one helluva ride but I have to say it'd be better on a sport bike rather than a large touring Harley. That's not to say it wasn't a great ride cuz it was, especially on the Red Bluff side of the trip and the Fortuna side. But, in the middle section up in the mountains it was tough enough to take away a bit from the enjoyment.
1 riders found this road review useful
2629 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I'd like to take a different tack in my description of this road. No question it covers beautiful country going from dry climate scrub trees to tall evergreens at the high points--all along a twisty road at many elevations. And I would agree wit
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
A few of us just rode this route this past rainy weekend. For a cruiser it was great fun except when the sun went down and the rains hit, no lights except the cars coming at you and then you loose sight of the road with all of the reflections. Plantina is the first gas out of Red Bluff about 40 miles in. Top off there and you should make it out the other end. Take the 'Avenue of the Giants' after that....awsome
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
No doubt about it, the #1 windiest road in California. No other road even comes close! Passengers will enjoy the ride, but be prepared for that 'queezy' feeling you get after 4 solid hours of a rollercoaster ride. BE SAFE. Wildlife is abundant, turkeys, deer, elk and bear. Crazy, crazy road. You will never be so happy to make it to the coast and relax after this one. Do head north and do the Avenue of the Giants afterwards. Nothing like that place.
1 riders found this road review useful
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13 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Absolutely amazing stretch of asphalt. It was an amazing 140 miles of twisties, hairpin turns, periodic straight-aways and scenic views (or so my wife told me) as you won't have much time to look around.

Road conditions were simply outstanding. Imagine 140 miles without a pot-hole or gravel. You'll have to stay on your toes as some of the turns don't have speed limits posted and you can easily come a little too hot.

Plan on the ride taking ~4 hours. ENJOY
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
Love 36 but if you go in Jan-Feb. you may have trouble
getting over the 4k high pass, wife & I had snow on the road and had to head up hwy 3 to 299 to get back to our motel in Red Bluff.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
You might watch for logging trucks on this road. The last time I was on it, I met many of them. I live in Magalia, CA.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Rode this in August of 2009, awesome road. Great way to finish off 3000 mile ride
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Best road overall on the West Coast in my opinion.
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49 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Rode through it during the fires of 2020! Nice road but they straightened out some of the tight and dangerous turns over the years.
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5 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Loved it. Love all of the curves, tree cover and redwoods. Had a great time with 2 of my friends.
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74 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
I actually drove this section of road following an AFM racer and I think it's safe to say we both had a shit ton of fun! Got invited over to their place and then headed to a bar afterwards. Wish I had my bike but the car made things more interesting for them, they were pleasantly surprised. This was probably 10 or so years ago and from what I recall, there were plenty of places to pass so you're not held up for long if you do get held up.
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5 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
So glad I brought my ninja 400 over here. It’s like it’s made for roads like these! The road was mostly smooth and just keeps getting more scenic. Definitely coming back up here!
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154 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Hard to tell which road is better? 299 or 36? Do them both!
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13 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I've rarely seen 140 miles of hilly, twisties that were as pristine and as much fun as this road. We didn't see didn't see as much as a pothole or loose gravel on this ride. This road is for those who don't want a zillion tourist stops along the way. For those that want to enjoy the freedom from heavy traffic and a great stretch of asphalt. Two potential issues to be aware of 1) fuel up before you leave as there are limited options along the way, and 2) there can be stretches with a significant amount of local farm traffic. So, if you're impatient choose your day/time accordingly. Otherwise, you're gonna love this route.
0 riders found this road review useful
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13 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I've rarely seen 140 miles of hilly, twisties that were as pristine and as much fun as this road. We didn't see didn't see as much as a pothole or loose gravel on this ride. This road is for those who don't want a zillion tourist stops along the way. For those that want to enjoy the freedom from heavy traffic and a great stretch of asphalt. Two potential issues to be aware of 1) fuel up before you leave as there are limited options along the way, and 2) there can be stretches with a significant amount of local farm traffic. So, if you're impatient choose your day/time accordingly. Otherwise, you're gonna love this route.
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16 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
really nice riding
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