Overall Route Rating
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3.8 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.8
5 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Thecarter3 (5 McR Points) on Apr 24, 2016

Rider Reviews

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June 7, 2017
Very nice once your get north of FCA's JNAP.…
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2 McR Points
March 29, 2017

Written Directions

this is a route that starts where M10 turns in to jerfferson. this is in downtown detroit. you'll ride through downtown and along the river through many cities like, Grosse pointe park, grosse pointe farms, grosse pointe shore, st. Claire shores and harrison charter towship. its all paved roads, and plenty of nice curves. it ends at south river road and takes you to I-94 so you can hit the highway and head back home.


this route covers, the detroit river, bell isle state park, metro park, lower huron park. you also ride past the chrysler plant, cobo hall, heart plaza. the detroit river walk, and various boat clubs.

Drive Enjoyment

here you will encounter a lot of road condition, some rough roads, but mostly smooth. nice curvesm but nothing too sharp.

Tourism Opportunities

various state park, concert spots, nice resturants, and just quick places to eat. nice spots to just lay back and relax

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June 7, 2017
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Very nice once your get north of FCA's JNAP. Beautiful houses, beautiful lakefront. Low speed limit, pretty well maintained roads, not straight-as-an-arrow (all too common around Detroit) but definitely not sport-curvy either. Lots of restaurant and snack options along most of the route, easy access to 94 pretty much whenever you want.
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March 29, 2017
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
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May 3, 2020
56 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Decent Ride
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