Written Directions
Starting in Laramie, WY., go N. on US 30 (287). About 18 miles out of Laramie, turn right onto Route 34.
Follow Route 34 about 50 miles until it intersects Route 312. Turn left onto Route 312 and follow it into Wheatland, WY.
We took this route at sunrise and the views were great. We saw buffalo in a pen on the S. side and there are great mountain views and interesting rock outcroppings. Overall it was a little different than some of the other scenery we saw while in WY.
Drive Enjoyment
This road has a few tighter but well marked turns, but it is mostly big sweeping curves. Road surface is excellent over the entire route with generally light traffic.
Tourism Opportunities
There are full services in both Laramie and Wheatland, but very little in between. Gas up before starting out on this route. The Shamrock Saloon is about 25 mi. SW. of Wheatland but time didn't permit us to stop so I can't comment on this establishment. Give it try and add your feedback.