31 in Wisconsin of 56 Routes 38 Miles 0 Followers
3 Rode it 3 Want to Ride it
Overall Route Rating
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2.67 out of 5 Rider Rating 2.67
3 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By MjrBummer (5 McR Points) on Nov 01, 2011

Rider Reviews

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I Live near this road & area - BORING! There…
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TJ in WI
2 McR Points
Nice easy ride. Much more a cruiser ride than a…

Written Directions

Follow US-53 and take the WI-64 W near Bloomer, WI, EXIT 112, toward Forest, WI.


This little stretch of road starts and ends kind of flat and straight, but the rest is mostly hilly and windy surrounded mostly by lush green forest with a few farms here and there.

Drive Enjoyment

The pavement is about as good as it gets after being repaved in 2009. As mentioned above much of this route is hilly and curvy.

Tourism Opportunities

There is a wayside next to the river on the eastern end with toilets and several bars/grills along the way where bikers are always welcome. If you go the right time of year, there is a bar in Forest, WI that has an annual "Nut Feed". Good stuff.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

There are numerous side roads going off of WI-64 that lead further into the backwoods that are also very scenic.

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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I Live near this road & area - BORING! There are MUCH better, curvier, hillier, more scenic routes to get down to the even better roads south along the river & bluffs. Get off the numbered roads and explore the letters. Some nice curvy pretty roads around here w/o taking this boring superslab
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TJ in WI
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Nice easy ride. Much more a cruiser ride than a sport bike ride. I live close by and was surprised at how nice it was- thus the reason I purchased my bike.

Lots of beautiful side rides N and S. Create a loop starting in Hudson, out to New Richmond and the route, then come back along A through Colfax and Glenwood City.

While I agree that the routes long the rivers are very nice, I really enjoyed this ride.
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44 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
More the of the scenic State Highway West to East routes in the western part of Wisconsin. A decent route compared to the other options. (USH 8, 90/94)
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