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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I Live near this road & area - BORING! There are MUCH better, curvier, hillier, more scenic routes to get down to the even better roads south along the river & bluffs. Get off the numbered roads and explore the letters. Some nice curvy pretty roads around here w/o taking this boring superslab
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TJ in WI
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Nice easy ride. Much more a cruiser ride than a sport bike ride. I live close by and was surprised at how nice it was- thus the reason I purchased my bike.

Lots of beautiful side rides N and S. Create a loop starting in Hudson, out to New Richmond and the route, then come back along A through Colfax and Glenwood City.

While I agree that the routes long the rivers are very nice, I really enjoyed this ride.
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44 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
More the of the scenic State Highway West to East routes in the western part of Wisconsin. A decent route compared to the other options. (USH 8, 90/94)
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