Overall Route Rating
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3.71 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.71
7 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Aug 31, 2009

Rider Reviews

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May 14, 2010
I really enjoy this little stretch of WV-9. I…
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October 7, 2009
Has some nice turns down near the river near the…

Written Directions

In Berkeley Springs, the intersection of Rt. 9 (Union St.) and Rt. 522, go West on Rt. 9 until reaching the intersection of Rt. 9 and Rt. 29. About 3.5 miles south of Paw Paw, WV.


Picturesque farms, scenic overlooks, mountain views, rivers, wildlife this little piece of highway has it all.

Road Quality: 4

Would get 5 stars if not for the possibility of deer and a few spots where rock slides are possible. With what this road has to offer it reminds you why you ride. This road was made for 2 wheels.

Roadside Amenities:: 2

Berkeley Springs is a very cool town. nice little restaurants and art galleries. Otherwise not much until Paw Paw. Note: Watch for deer, slide areas and on coming traffic.

Drive Enjoyment

Would get 5 stars if not for the possibility of deer and a few spots where rock slides are possible. With what this road has to offer it reminds you why you ride. This road was made for 2 wheels.

Tourism Opportunities

Berkeley Springs is a very cool town. nice little restaurants and art galleries. Otherwise not much until Paw Paw. Note: Watch for deer, slide areas and on coming traffic.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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May 14, 2010
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I really enjoy this little stretch of WV-9. I guess "straight" is relative. In my opinion, this is a nice, smooth road with easy, sweeping turns. It is generally well-maintained, like most roads I've ridden in West Virginia. If you're a speed demon that lives to ride on the edge, I guess the road would seem tame. But if you're like me and just like to go along at a good clip, check out scenery while you ride, you'll enjoy this one. I ALWAYS avoid Berkeley Springs, though. Yes, it's a cool town, but there's always a traffic jam and I have better things to do than sit sweltering in traffic. I'd rather ride right back to Paw Paw for a Cheesesteak sub at Anthony's Jr. across from the Liberty gas station.
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October 7, 2009
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Has some nice turns down near the river near the Paw Paw side of the route, and a few nice ones between Capon Bridge and Berkeley Springs...but the rest is straight as an arrow. Actually the best turns are farther east on 9 between Berkeley Springs and Hedgesville but cages tend to drive slower than molasses in January with few places to pass once you enter the turny section. Was just on it this morning....waste of time....scenery is nice this time of year however.
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November 13, 2013
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
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