116 in Texas of 119 Routes 46 Miles 0 Followers
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By raulmondragon (79 McR Points) on Aug 18, 2021

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Written Directions

Our scenic ride begins on the corner of Loop 375 and Socorro Rd (258). Head eastbound on Socorro after a couple miles one encounters the Socorro Mission built by the Spanish in the late 1700s. Proceed east to the light on Glorietta Road and turn right while on that road Licon Dairy will be on your immediate left. While there one can visit their petting zoo, grab a bite, a beverage and purchase a pack or two of their El Paso famous Asadero cheese. Glorietta road ends in San Elizario, TX at Alarcon Rd. Turn right on Alarcon, on this road you'll see the San Elizario Mission built by the Spanish in 1877, a beautiful Tree filled Plaza, plus the famous Billy the Kid jail. Proceed on Alarcon Rd and turn a Chicken Ranch Rd. and follow this road as one begins to enter Fabens, TX. Turn right on Hole in The Wall Road which become Lee Moor Rd. At the end of this road one will be forced to turn east on Island Road. As this road approaches it end look for La Isla church and cemetery. Once road ends turn right Fabens Island Rd towards the USA/Mexico border, then after 1000 ft. turn left on Wingo Reserve Rd. Proceed on this road till you reach Bills Rd then turn right. When Bill Rd ends turn left on Vasquez Rd which will take you to M.F. Aguilera Rd 3380 main road toward the USA/Mexico Tornillo, TX border crossing . Unless you want to go to Mexico, turn left and head towards Alameda Ave (Highway 20) at turn right (eastbound toward Ft Hancock. In 20+ miles you'll reach Ft Hancock, TX, turn right on Knox Ave (148) toward I-10 . Nearing I-10 to your right is Angie's, a hole in the wall restaurant with OK food but great service.


Ride takes you the the farming communities of El Paso and the ride parallels the USA Mexico border . Lots of farms animals crops, pecan trees, irrigation canals. Spanish Missions and the small farming communities are a must see

Drive Enjoyment

Great ride lots of turns and tight narrow road are flat throughout ride. Because one goes through the farming communities back roads traffic is very low, but road conditions can be unpredictable during our rainy. Not recommended to be on if you're in a hurry.

Tourism Opportunities

Early part of the the ride has many great places to stop, Two Spanish Missions, lots of local eateries and beverage stops

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