Overall Route Rating
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4.5 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.5
2 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Ntfreel53 (5 McR Points) on Oct 09, 2016

Rider Reviews

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124 McR Points
March 10, 2020
Great cruise through the woods with lots of…
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25 McR Points
June 9, 2021
Decent roads with lots of parks along the way.

Written Directions

When heading north on M65 through Hale, M65 will turn east. Before it crosses the river, look for River Road off to the rith. Turn right onto River Road and start your route. Continue on River Road until it ends in Oscoda.


Winding road that follows along the Ausable river from Hale until it reaches Oscoda. There are a lot of beautiful over looks.

Drive Enjoyment

The road is in great shape a lot of long sweeping curves.

Tourism Opportunities

A lot of great places to stop and Explore. There is Iargo springs a lot of steps down but worth the time beautiful view of the Cooke Dam pond. Just a little further down is the Canoe Paddlers Monument that has a beautiful overlook of the river. next up is the Lumbermans Monument that also has a lot of steps down to the river but well worth the walk. Lots of camping available along the way as well. Along with a couple of beaches. You can also take a ride on the Ausable river Queen which is a paddle boat that takes you around the river.

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March 10, 2020
124 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Great cruise through the woods with lots of places to stop along the river.
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June 9, 2021
25 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Decent roads with lots of parks along the way.
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