Written Directions
Starting on Hwy 20 east of Chackbay, head east and keep right when Hwy 307 splits off. Remain on 307 until it ends at Hwy 182, northeast of Raceland.
There are a few residential areas as you pass through Kraemer, then it becomes a mix of cane field, agricultural and undeveloped land.
Drive Enjoyment
Good collection of sweepers through, then the corners start to tighten up. Fantastic, reasonably new blacktop, likely one of the smoothest roads in the state!
Tourism Opportunities
There are a few gas stations along the way, but not much else.
Motorcycle Road Additional info
Several portions of the route have heavy tree cover, some corners can remain damp after a humid morning long after the rest of the road is dry. There are a number of driveways along the route, keep an eye out for kids playing or people trying to back out. The residents along 307 are used to motorcycles and generally interact very positively with us. Let's keep things civil in town so it stays that way.