Motorcycle Route Author

By MCR Contributor (1039 McR Points)
on May 17, 2011
Rider Reviews
Written Directions
Everyone knows where Death Valley is. Enter the Park from the east off Hwy 395, from the south out of Baker on I-15, from the east from Pahrump or from the north at Scotty's Junction or Beatty, both off NV 95.Scenery
In a word: Spectacular! This is some of the most breathtaking, "extraterrestrial landscape" on the planet. There's hardly a thing growing out there higher than your knee yet it will be forever etched in your memory as not just one of the greatest motorcycle rides ever but one of the most beautiful as well. There's a place in the park where you can look down at one of the lowest points on earth at -280 ft in one direction and up to the highest point in the continental US in another (Mt Whitney, at 14,494). The mountains are rugged and wrinkled with amazing contrast between blonde and deep reddish brown. Spring time blankets the valley with wildflowers. A surreal place that is on the must-do list of every serious rider.Drive Enjoyment
oad quality varies from area to area but is pretty good for the most part. Construction work can take place most anytime of year though there is less in the summer for a good reason - it's HOT!Tourism Opportunities
DV is a desolate place. There are services in the park at Furnace Creek and Stovepipe Wells - gas, restaurant and a general store. Camping is available in several places. There is motel lodging too but motels in the park are few and those are a bit pricey. Consider planning rides to end your days in Beatty, or Pahrump, NV or Lone Pine or Big Pine, CA.There are only a few roads through the park. If you can't create some loops do them one direction one day and the opposite the next. The section from the valley to Beatty is great! Don't miss Hwy 178 between Shoshone and Furnace Creek. Do Hwy 190 from Death Valley Junction to Lone Pine. Awesome! And try to make time to get to Scotty's Castle - the tour is worth it! Get "Barry" as your tour guide.