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4 out of 5 Rider Rating 4
17 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Nov 30, 2009

Rider Reviews

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August 26, 2010
This is a ride that I never tire of! Rolling…
154 McR Points
December 31, 2020
Not a huge fan of this route b/c of all the…

Written Directions

To do this North to South, find your way to Daly City - most likely by way of I-280 - and pop over the hill to Pacifica. Once your on Hwy 1, it's pretty hard to get lost. Santa Cruz is hard to miss; watch out for tourist traffic on Mission.


This is the edge of the continent, folks. Any farther west requires a wetsuit. You will have views of the Pacific to your right and wooded hills and farmland to your left. In Spring, you'd swear you're in Ireland.

Drive Enjoyment

Nice surface, with rolling hills and sweeping turns. In summer there can be a motor home or two, and watch out for pedestrian traffic near the many state beaches. Cars may brake suddenly to turn off into the parking lots. Stay alert. Good visibility and plenty of safe passing lanes. Be patient - slow down and live.

Tourism Opportunities

Plenty of places to eat to start the day in Pacifica - try Nicks in Rockaway Beach. Farther south, stop for coffee and a walk-about in Half Moon Bay. A short side trip up Hwy 84, and you can mingle with fellow travelers at the Mercantile in San Gregorio. Artichoke soup and ollaliberry pie at Duarte's in Pescadero is a must, as is coffee and ice cream in Davenport. Ten miles later, you're in Santa Cruz.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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August 26, 2010
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is a ride that I never tire of! Rolling hills, gentle curves, magnificent views. While in Pacifica you have to try Gorilla BBQ, it's on the northbound side of Hwy 1. If you're heading south, make a left turn at Reina del Mar then an immediate right into the driveway then go around the rear of the buildings and to the red rail car. When in Santa Cruz make a quick stop for coffee, pastries and a light meal at Kelly's French Bakery, it's where the locals go. Make a right at the 2nd signal light in town, Swift Ave, go over the tracks, turn left into the driveway at the corner of the next intersection.You won't regret it!
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December 31, 2020
154 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Not a huge fan of this route b/c of all the traffic. Hwy 92 from San Mateo to Half Moon Bay is two-lanes, 2x Yellow striped. So no lane splitting. Seriously crowded.
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Hey, It's Tim!
May 7, 2021
65 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
If I lived to be a 100 there's no chance I would tire of this ride. The views can't be beat, little beach towns, food trucks... You just want to keep on going all the way to San Diego!
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