39 in Canada of 126 Routes 280 Miles 0 Followers
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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 25, 2020

Rider Reviews

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640 McR Points
This is a beautiful section of road. Fairly easy…

Written Directions

You pick up Rt.16 at the Fraser River and head east towards Hinton Ab. Stay to the right at Tete Juane Cache to remain on Rt.16. Just stay straight near Jasper to remain on Rt.16


The scenery really picks up after the first 20 miles from Prince George. You follow the deep Fraser River Valley all the way to Tete Juane Cache. Mountains rise up on both sides of the route and get progressively taller until you reach Mt. Robson at nearly 13,000 feet. It is a stunning sight when you come around a curve and see this white topped mass. Theres a spot off the road for some nice pictures. After that you ride over Red Pass and past to picturesque lakes Moose and Yellowhead. Next up is Yellowhead Pass ,followed quickly by the junction with the world famous Icefields Parkway into Jasper and Banff National Parks. There isn't much I can add about the stunning beauty in this area. The route then follows the Athabasca River to Hinton. Pretty much all the wildlife up North is around this area. Numerous Bears, Moose, Sheep, Eagles, are to be seen

Drive Enjoyment

Once again the pavement is very good. Up to Tete Juane the road is straight with sweepers mixed in. There isn't much elevation change there. After Tete Juane the elevation starts to increase and the turns tighten up some, nothing too serious though. there are passing lanes too.

Tourism Opportunities

From Prince George through the Jasper area to Hinton, the main tourist thing to do is to just take it all in. This is some world class beauty you are riding through. There is food and lodging in McBride and Valemount , which is 12 miles south off Rt.16 on Rt. 5. Jasper has all the tourist trappings you will need. Numerous hotels, restaurants and bars. It is pricey though. Obviously the big draw is the Parks to the south but that is for another route. Hinton at the end has Lodging, food and gas at more reasonable prices too.

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is a beautiful section of road. Fairly easy ride that you don't want to burn through. Your head will be on a swivel as you get closer to Jasper and the park. Jasper is a real, albeit expensive, tourist town. It is a gateway to the Icefields Parkway and all they hold. Jasper has a different feel to it than other towns up north. You want to ride this route both ways because the views are different each way.
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