2 in Ireland of 2 Routes 1,553 Miles 0 Followers
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Motorcycle Route Author

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By Major (38 McR Points) on Mar 19, 2020

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Written Directions

The google maps software used by this site can't handle the intricacies of this route. What you see above accurately shows you that in general, this route travels along the western coast of Ireland. However, it is very inaccurate in the sense that it doesn't hug the coast like the real Wild Atlantic Way. So, for an intricate map, refer to a site like - https://www.ireland.com/en-us/articles/wild-atlantic-way/ In general, the author describes the directions like this: From the wind-whipped tip of Malin Head to the safe haven of Kinsale Harbour, wrap yourself in the wilderness of the west coast of Ireland on the world's longest defined coastal touring route.


Scenery is beyond compare, you travel roads where the Atlantic Ocean is on one side of the road for the most part. There isn't enough room in this space to describe the sights and sites you will see. From breathtaking views to medieval castles and churches.

Drive Enjoyment

Roads are in excellent condition, you drive on the left and there are literally traffic circles at almost every intersection. They don't post speeds for curves, just a curve sign so you have too slow down for every curve. Roads are chip and seal, when they pave a road they put tar and then gravel over the surface. So tires take a beating, wear out fast, but I didn't encounter any road snakes. Remember Saint Patrick drove out the snakes. Narrow is the general description of the secondary roads in Ireland. Only a few roads in Donegal county in northwest Ireland are comparable to US roads. There are no berms on 99% of the roads, to say roads are narrow is an understatement. Some are just one lane and you have to share with sheep and horse drawn carts. Loved every single minute there, very friendly people and they watch out for you.

Tourism Opportunities

Tourism opportunities abound everywhere. This a tourism route in Ireland along the South, West and North shore. It is put on this website to generate interest in riding in Ireland. It takes two weeks and that doesn't even dent the sights to see and places to stay. The route will take you around the Dingle Peninsula, Ring of Kerry, Cliffs of Moher and in Northern Ireland the Giants Causeway.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

If you have a motorcycle endorsement on your US license its okay in Ireland. You do not need an International Drivers License. Helmet required. There are many motorcycle rental companies in Ireland. You can fly into Dublin or Shannon. US Customs are at both airports, so going back home you go through customs before leaving Ireland. Makes it such a less hassle coming home.

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