29 in California of 138 Routes 14 Miles 0 Followers
4 Rode it 16 Want to Ride it
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4.38 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.38
8 Reviews

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By Medic Rider (16 McR Points) on Aug 17, 2011

Rider Reviews

Medic Rider
16 McR Points
If you like out of the way, hidden little gem,…
MCR Contributor
1039 McR Points
Did this ride in the summer of 2012. Its…

Written Directions

You'll find the start of Jalama road just about 6 miles or so south of Lompoc, CA off or Route 1. There are signs for both Jalama Road and Jalama Beach County Park. Once you start on Jalama Road all you do is head west for 14 miles and the road will dead-end into Jalama Beach County Park.


I stumbled on to this road and tried it on a whim and boy am I GLAD I DID!! It is real hidden gem. You'll start out heading up a bit into the hills and winding through beautiful golden rolling hills that are dotted with some trees and wild flowers. You'll also see a sprinkling of horses and cows grazing the lonely hills. Soon you'll be lazily descending down to the coast and finally you crest a hill and there is the beautiful deep blue ocean in front of you. The view of the beach area is down right stunning as it has a back drop of rocky cliffs and hills to the north. The day I went there was a blanket of low clouds far off the coast hovering over the ocean and it was sunny on the beach and hills inland. Coming back was a treat too because I caught new beautiful scenery that you don't see unless you are heading east on Jalama Road. Overall, this is a solid 5 for scenery.

Drive Enjoyment

The road is full of curves from start to finish. Most of them are gentle curves yet there were a few that were more on the lines of being twisties ... one of which has a posted 10 MPH speed limit. The road is also great because of the climbs and descents which ad to the fun. This road would have gotten a solid 5 if it weren't for some stretches of poor pavement. Some sections are pretty bad yet some sections are very smooth but most of the roads are in fair condition.

Tourism Opportunities

At the end of the road is a VERY nice county park that has camping, picnic areas, and a large stretch of beach area. The park includes a little store for food & drink & such and there is a grille type restaurant (don't know if it is any good as we didn't eat when we were there). It really is a nice place to stay a night or two! Other than the park, there is really nothing to do along the way. Oh yeah, the park does have an entrance fee of about $10 per vehicle. But if you don't want to pay that, it IS STILL WORTH THE DRIVE ... you'll just have to U-turn when you get to the park and pull over somewhere along the road to take in the views of the sea.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

Their web site does not do the park justice but here it is - https://www.countyofsb.org/parks/parks06.aspx?id=9186 .

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Medic Rider
16 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
If you like out of the way, hidden little gem, motorcycle rides with a real treat at the end, this ride is for you. Great little stretch of road meanders through some great hills. Then at the end, dumps you off smack dab on the edge of a wide open, unblemished stretch of Pacific Coast and a cute little beach community to boot!!
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MCR Contributor
1039 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Did this ride in the summer of 2012. Its everything the author says. Really loved the low vehicle traffic, the changing terrain, and the cute little beach villa at the end!
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Been to Jamala 3x in '18, two by my Lexus sc300, then, once on my nu to me maxi scoot. Thankfully, both ol Hwy 1 & old sections of Jamala Rd were bein repaved. Less dicey with nu asphalt, one of ultimate CA MC roads.. Luv that Gen'l Store food at Jamal a Bch, nice folks too
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
VERY POOR road quality..only a few smooth areas but overall horrible uneven, very bumpy, patchy pavement. A wreck waiting to happen if you even think about getting a knee down on this road. Consider yourself warned. If you're up in SLO, Lompoc, SM, better to just ride down to the 150/33 if you want decent cornering pavement. Don't know how this got 4 stars for road quality unless it was ok like 5 yrs ago. For year 2017, forget about it unless you just want to putt putt to the very scenic beach... Jalama Park is beautiful though.
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