8 in Oregon of 40 Routes 89 Miles 0 Followers
10 Rode it 12 Want to Ride it
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3.5 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.5
8 Reviews

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By MCR Contributor (1039 McR Points) on May 22, 2011

Rider Reviews

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2 McR Points
9/2016 Just went on 47 to 202 and the roads have…
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2 McR Points
The road surface has deteriorated badly since the…

Written Directions

Route can start either end. One end is Astoria, Oregon at the mouth of Columbia river. Highway 202 travels inland south and east to the town of Mist, where you join Highway 47 into Vernonia....and on thru to Highway 26...where you travel in to Portland or wherever. From Astoria taking Highway 30 back to Portland makes a nice loop back to where you started at almost 150 mi round trip. This is my favorite route for a long long ride pushing corners a bit and not having to worry about people or cars.


lots of deep forest, some creeks, very little development along the route, small towns, great views and ridge top vistas, ocean views in Astoria.

Drive Enjoyment

lots of twisties and good pavement except in winter (gravel & a few potholes). almost no traffic or stop signs even. Note: this is a logging area and it pays to be extra careful around the corners on this road for the big trucks..

Tourism Opportunities

Vernonia is a great little ride destination town (Axmen site) with a couple decent eateries and a motorcycle shop (V&V leathers). Astoria has some fine eateries and museums.

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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
9/2016 Just went on 47 to 202 and the roads have been carefully resurfaced and are of excellent quality... no potholes, sinkholes or major cracks. It's my favorite way to get to the Oregon Coast, perhaps along with the not-as-well-paved Nestucca River Road.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
The road surface has deteriorated badly since the route was added. There are places near the middle of the route where the decision is which pothole to hit rather than best route around...it's still a great ride, but way slow and hard on your bike in places.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Enduro
This is a pretty good route although the scenery isn't that spectacular. There are decent amenities along the route. They were placing fresh blacktop the day I was riding so the surface quality of the route is greatly improving.
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2629 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Beautiful ride. Backcountry through trees, farm, and a few little towns. Not much traffic. Enough curves to keep it interesting. Would ride it every week if I lived there.
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