To find this route, simply head west out of Las Vegas on route 159 to the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. Look for the signs directing you to the visitor center. Enter the route on the one-way road that starts at the visitor center.
Located about 20 miles outside of Vegas, this route shows you some killer scenery and fairly good motorcycle roads. If you live anywhere near Vegas or are passing through you need to checkout one of the coolest routes around. The name says it all Red Rock Canyon. It has some freaky looking rocks that have been formed over millions of years and get their unique shape due to their geological makeup.
Drive Enjoyment
Short and sweet; this route's only real limitation is that it's too short. Keep in mind it is a one-way road the entire way and watch out for the car-dorks who don't know how to stay out of the way.
Tourism Opportunities
It is all nature stuff so if your looking for restaurants and stuff you've come to the wrong place ... but if your here for checking out some cool scenery and hiking trails you've come to the right place. Here are some of the cool things to do when you get to the route. Start out at the Red Rock Visitor's Center (702-363-1921) located at the start of the route. Here you'll learn about the incredible canyon was formed and the unique plants and animals that live here. Take a short mile hike from the Sandstone Quarry out to the Calico Tanks and see some pockets in the rock that gather water and attract local animals. Further up the road you'll see where two huge earth plates of rock collided millions of years ago. They are made up of two different types of rock. One is red and the other is gray and the collision makes a really neat looking fault line. If you take a side road for about a mile to the Willow Springs picnic area you will enter part of the Red Rock Canyon. Here you can see some ancient Indian art painted on some of the rock walls. Checkout the Icebox canyon and feel the strange cooling effects of being inside a rock canyon. From Pine Creek Canyon Overlook you see a cool looking Petrified Forest area.
Motorcycle Road Additional info
- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .
I have ridden this and it is very cool looking, but the real gem of a ride is just N.W. of red rock canyon. Take Hwy. 95 N.W. out of Vegas a short distance to Hwy 157, this is the Mt. Charleston loop and can be a great escape from the blazing summer heat. It comes around and dumps you out on Hwy. 95 again at Hwy. 156, if you so choose you can do this from Vegas in 3 hours or make it an all day thing.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Clarification for those unfamiliar with the Las Vegas area, what's identified on the map above as "road 159" is actually Charleston Blvd. To get to the Red Rock Canyon loop, just head west on Charleston out of town past the Redrock Hotel and Casino, past the 215 and keep ridin'. It's a nice ride and as you're exiting the scenic loop, turn right on 159 (Charleston Blvd.) to Bonnie Springs/Old Nevada for more sightseeing or just a great meal. Enjoy!
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Motorcycle Type : Sport
If you do go on this road, it's not just "car-dorks". It's also cyclists, joggers, rangers, debris from the desert as well as hikers. Be very very weary of your surroundings and head of you. I took a turn last year and went down because of gravel half way into the road after passing the apex. Tourists love to park randomly on the side of the road and as they leave that parking spot, they kick up and out all kinds of shit onto the road. Aside from all this stuff, it is a great road, some technical turns as well as some great sweepers.
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2 riders found this road review useful
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Agreed with Reyes. Although this is a beautiful road to take on the motorcycle it is by far not one to attempt to tackle at high speeds. I believe the posted speed limit is 25 or 35 for the length of the loop. It is normally packed with tourists, cyclists, runners, and hikers. I cycle there and it really bothers me when a motorcyclist comes flying by. Please use proper caution on the loop; I know a handful of cyclists that have wound up in the hospital due to driver carelessness.
Other than that is is a beautiful ride. Take is slow and absorb the scenery. Stop and watch the rock climbers or do some hiking yourself.