1 in Idaho of 34 Routes 175 Miles 1 Followers
44 Rode it 56 Want to Ride it
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4.64 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.64
45 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Aug 31, 2004

Rider Reviews

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After 5 years of yearly road trips I can still…
2 McR Points
Very accurate description of the Hwy. 12 ride. I'…

Written Directions

The directions for this route are very straightforward. Simply start in Lewiston, Idaho on US Highway 12 and take it east all the way to Missoula, Montana (or in the reverse if you want to start in Montana). You'll basically be cutting across the entire width of Idaho.


This route covers one of the most beautiful sections of the Lewis & Clark Trail as it winds through the Rocky Mountains of Idaho and Montana. As you ride through the Lolo national forest, look for whitewater rafts on the Locsha and Selway rivers. You'll also see numerous steaming hot springs flowing down the hills along the way. Watch out for deer and mountain goats crossing the highway at random intervals.

Drive Enjoyment

You have all seen the photos of the sign that says "Curves next 67 miles...This is the road! One of the best motorcycle roads in the country with lots of sweeping curves and a few tight ones. There is little traffic and excellent road surfaces. A rock solid 5 ... 5 plus is more like it!

Tourism Opportunities

Sorry... The same sign that says Curves ahead says no services next 75 miles. Make sure you fill up in Kooskia or in Lolo before entering this highway because there's nothing but trees, rivers and twisty roads for lots of miles! At the eastern end of the road, try KT's Hayloft in Lolo, MT (Intersection of Hwy 12 and Hwy 93) for breakfast!

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
After 5 years of yearly road trips I can still say this is my ultimate favorite road, especially if you can do it without having to deal with an 18 wheeler. It trumps Beartooth Pass and The Million Dollar Hwy because of its 45-50 mph / multiple curves. Once you get in your groove, you will be in heaven. Watch for wild life and enjoy the Clearwater River!
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Very accurate description of the Hwy. 12 ride. I've ridden it twice now. The "No Seervices for 75 miles" reference is TRUE, except that there is AT LEAST ONE gas stop (that I'm aware of) on that route. Lochsa Lodge, 43 miles west of Lolo at Powell, has GAS, a FANTASTIC restaurant, a small convenience store and lodging, albeit a bit expensive. That's all I wanted to add. GREAT RIDE though!!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
The road teases you, starting with gentle sweeping turn, building you confidence and urging you faster. The scenery, the curves, and good road surface continue relentlessly. As your endurance wanes some turns have closing a radius. I had the time of my life riding Lolo pass. A stop at Lodge near the top of the pass is great to a quick bite and fuel before heading back down. Everybody rider should have the joy of riding Lolo pass at least once in their life. Go early in the day before the revenuers (law enforcement) give you a performance award.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
I found the Lolo Pass quite by accident last july. Heading for southern Idaho where I used to ski in the late 70's. Decided to head east instead. Tremendous ride until I got past the sign that says, curves for 99 miles. Yahoo? Only until I came across 2,(two) westbound wide (really wide)loads, with a whack of pilot vehicles. As soon as a straight stretch showed up the loads took up the whole road, thanks to the aforementioned pilot vehicles.It took about 30 miles to get past them peckerheads.
What normaly would have been a glorious ride, in really hot weather, turned out to be an excercise in frustration. Not the road's fault by any means. A recommeded ride at any other time for sure. Paul Bond.
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