Written Directions
From the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Center in Spring Green, WI, go 0.1miles on WI-23S and turn right on County Rd C. Follow County Rd C for 8.4miles, turn R onto WI-130 and go North until WI-130 and WI-133 blend together along the Wisconsin River (heading West now). Continue West on WI-133 to the town of Boscobel (about 38miles). In Boscobel, follow all WI-133 signs until you are SE of Boscobel, and are heading West again. About 22miles along WI-133 (2miles past the village of Woodman), the road will make a sharp turn to the L, going South. About 0.25miles turn R onto County Rd C again. Follow County Rd C for about 13miles. County Rd C crosses US-18. Turn R on US-18 which takes you to Prairie du Chien, and a great ride along the Mississippi River. Enjoy!
Lots of hills, valleys, bluffs, trees, and fields along this scenic river run. Route follows the path of the Wisconsin River and although the path of the road stays mostly a distance away from the actual river, there are a few points when you come upon the river and get river views.
Drive Enjoyment
Great tarmac. Smooth and well paved. Some asphalt cracking on County Rd C, but no major potholes.
Tourism Opportunities
Lots of great scenery and overlooks. Lunch or Dinner is great at the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Center.