24 in Utah of 33 Routes 24 Miles 0 Followers
6 Rode it 12 Want to Ride it
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4.5 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.5
2 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on May 31, 2009

Rider Reviews

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This is a very nice road that weaves in and out…
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Outstanding Ride... see the photo we submitted

Written Directions

Start your route in Virgin, UT where you will find Kolab Road. Take Kolab Road north as it winds it's way up to and through Zion National Park all the way up to Kolab Reservoir.


For anyone riding Highway 9 to Zion, this side trip is Southern Utah's best kept secret. It winds out of Virgin, Utah and up into vistas of Zion NP and Kolob mountain that few outsiders see. Some might see it as a step in the Grand Staircase, but it's an entire landing of the most beautiful land in our area.

Out of ALL our trips, this little ride is full of the most outstanding beauty that can be found. Up above the resivor is a dirt road. However, the best of all the beauty can be found on the pavement such as this photo. It's the best photo we've ever taken from our trips - www.vegasvalleymotorcycletours.com.

Drive Enjoyment

Kolob Road winds its way in and out of Zion NP and is quite varied in quality as a result. It's all paved and passable, one just needs to pay as much attention to it as they do the scenery. It's twisty with a couple of hairpins and ascends roughly five thousand feet. The road is open only to appropriate vehicles in the winter.

Tourism Opportunities

There are no amenities, though gas, food and lodging are nearby in Springdale.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
This is a very nice road that weaves in and out of Zion National Park and arrives at a scenic lake. However, keep a sharp watch out for Park Rangers that lie in wait for the slightest infraction. We were on our best behavior and still got tagged.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Outstanding Ride... see the photo we submitted
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