8 in Kentucky of 46 Routes 28 Miles 0 Followers
4 Rode it 4 Want to Ride it
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4.67 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.67
6 Reviews

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By twright95 (10 McR Points) on Jan 20, 2015

Rider Reviews

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This was a good shorter ride while I was in the…
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25 McR Points
Great short ride, it is in my hometown so we ride…

Written Directions

From Morehead, KY head west on US 60 until you get to KY 801. Turn Left onto KY 801 follow that for about 10 miles to KY 519. Turn left onto KY 519 and follow that back to US 60. Make a right on US 60, follow US 60 for 1 mile. You will end up back in Morehead, KY.


This route starts off following a valley with long sweeping turns. During the spring it is beautiful with the budding trees. After you turn onto 801 it won't be long until you follow the lake. This is a gorgeous section of the loop with the hills of eastern KY behind the lake. After that you follow another valley until you get back to town. All in all, this a beautiful section of road that highlights the classic eastern Kentucky scenery of hills and valleys. Almost all of the route is in Daniel Boone National Forest.

Drive Enjoyment

This road is made up of mostly sweeping turns with a few twisties. All of the road is good condition, 801 is all newly paved! Watch for a few pot holes towards the end.

Tourism Opportunities

Morehead, KY has everything you need, gas, walmart, restaurants, etc. After you get out of town there is one gas station right before you turn onto 801. There is a very good BBQ joint at the junction of 801 and US 60, I would highly recommend eating there!

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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
This was a good shorter ride while I was in the area. Good views of the lake and Daniel Boone Park along the route. Road is in good shape but may be a little busy on the weekends. Mostly sweeping curves and some sweet straights. Easy to top the speed limit near the lake. Not many gas stations till the lake area and gas is high so fill up in Morehead.
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25 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Great short ride, it is in my hometown so we ride it alot. Lots of gas stops in Morehead, and off the Farmers/Sharkey exit. Check out Pop's if your in the area riding and want a good place to eat.
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3744 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Slingshot
Incorporated it into KY-32 Morehead to Louisa run. It was okay, some nice views of the Lake. I imagine very nice scenic ride in the fall. Pavement was good, traffic a little heavy. Missed out on Pop's BBQ, so gonna have to come back for that, never ate there, but here its good.
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