30 in Canada of 126 Routes 324 Miles 0 Followers
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2 Reviews

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By jfamend (640 McR Points) on Nov 02, 2020

Rider Reviews

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640 McR Points
This is a destination ride more than anything…
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640 McR Points
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Written Directions

The route starts at the junction with the Alaska Highway about 8 miles west of Whitehorse. Yukon Rt.2runs about 323 miles to Dawson City. There are junctions with several other highways along the route. Rt.4 near Carmacks, Rt.11 near Stewart Crossing and the Dempster Highway to the Arctic Ocean about 25 miles before Dawson City.


The scenery is typical far north pine forest to start out. Up to Carmacks you ride in a valley with many lakes along the road. You cross the Yukon river at Carmacks and follows that for a while. After crossing the Stewart River more hills appear on the way to Dawson. Abundant wildlife is visible and you need to be aware of it.

Drive Enjoyment

The pavement starts off good up to Carmacks. After that it tends to get worse. There are a lot of potholes and some frost heaves. You will need to watch the road to pick your spots. The curves are sweepers with a few tighter turns.

Tourism Opportunities

Along the route there are stops in Carmacks at 100 miles for food ,gas, and lodging. After that there is gas at Pelly Crossing and Stewart Crossing. The big reason for this ride is Dawson City. The town harkens back to the Gold Rush of the 1890's. Stop in for a Sour Toe Shot at the Sourdough Saloon. Ride up to Midnight Dome above the city for a great view of the city below as well at the confluence of the Yukon and Klondike Rivers. There is an 1890's show to take in.

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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is a destination ride more than anything else. Dawson City is the reason for taking this ride. It is a unique city and something you should try and experience when riding this far north.
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640 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
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