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3 out of 5 Rider Rating 3
2 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Jan 31, 2005

Rider Reviews

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July 6, 2009
I drive this route a lot from my home in Norman…
160 McR Points
April 29, 2013
The roads tend to be absolutely perfect, which is…

Written Directions

The route is real easy to find. Simply get your way to the small town starting point of Orienta, OK which is about 40 miles west of Enid. From Orienta, simply take US 412 about 25 miles west to Bouse Junction, OK.


You are driving along US 412 and there is pretty much nothing to look at and then all of sudden you enter about a 25 miles stretch of desert looking plateaus. Once you get on U.S. 412 in Orienta, right in front of you will be the Gloss Mountains. The Gloss Mountains got that name because of selenite content and sparkle of gypsum that makes them appear as if they are covered with a layer of glass. The view is nice there from the road. As you top the first big hill be ready for the park/picnic area on your right. When you stop at the park/picnic area, be sure and climb to the top of the plateau at the parking area there. There is a makeshift stairway and the view from up there is simply GREAT! The plateau is about a mile long. My son and I walked all the way the other end. We loved it!!! Also at the park is an information kiosk that covers the history and features of this highly unique patch of Oklahoma territory. During this ride, you almost feel like you are in the bottom of an ancient lake or ocean ... be sure and take a camera.

Motorcycle Road Quality:2

This is on US 412 going east-west through northern Oklahoma. The road is in superb condition however it's pretty flat and straight

Drive Enjoyment

This is on US 412 going east-west through northern Oklahoma. The road is in superb condition however it's pretty flat and straight.

Tourism Opportunities

Roadside amenities are very limited. Lucky to find a gas station with a clean bathroom. But there is a pull off on US 412 that allows you the opportunity to climb by stairway to the top of one of the plateaus. There are picnic tables with shade and I think a grill. The pull off is just about 1 - 2 miles west of Orienta, OK.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather . Note from the route submitter: If you are a member of Yahoo groups visit the VTX1300 group. I have some pics of the Gloss Mountain

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July 6, 2009
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
I drive this route a lot from my home in Norman to my ranch northwest of Freedom. I suggest extending this ride north from Bouse Junction (which consists of a vacant house) into Waynoka where there is a very good German restaurant, Cafe Banhof. On the way you pass Little Sahara State Park, an area of sand dunes very popular with dune buggy enthusiasts. The Waynoka railroad depot is a restored Spanish style building that once included a Harvey House and was briefly part of a transcontinental plane/train route that took travelers from New York to LA in two days (late 1920s). It now houses a mediocre Mexican restaurant.Head north out of Waynoka and look for the back road into Freedom, a paved county road marked by a sign on the right pointing towards Freedom. Freedom has a great little museum and a decent restaurant if you catch it open (Longbranch Cafe). There is a gas station/convenience store with a limited menu and long hours. Head south out of Freedom and stop at the Alabaster Caverns State Park. Tours are offered hourly, and in the hot Oklahoma summer the 55 degree constant temperature of the caverns is a welcome respite. Head on south to Mooreland (two gas stations at the highway intersection with 412) and turn left to return to Orienta where you started.
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April 29, 2013
160 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
The roads tend to be absolutely perfect, which is a major plus. Traffic was almost non-existent as well. I'm not exactly sure where the alleged mountains were. I saw plenty of mesas, and while pretty, are nothing special. Yes, the cleavage of the rocks can sparkle a bit, but as somebody who lived in NM, I've seen all this before, in greater quantity. To give you an idea of the size of the hills, the highlight of the ride is a pull-off point where there is a short walking trail up to the peak of one of the "mountains". Don't do this ride without stopping there, or it's just not worth it. Also, there's NO TURNS. It's rather dull to be honest. It's a great little test strip if you've ever had the urge to figure how fast your bike will go...Other than that, not so much of a reason to repeat this one.
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