The Oklahoma Gloss Mountain Stretch - By Stalephreak
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By Stalephreak (160 McR Points) on Apr 29, 2013
Creator : Stalephreak
Motorcycle Type : Sport
The roads tend to be absolutely perfect, which is a major plus. Traffic was almost non-existent as well. I'm not exactly sure where the alleged mountains were. I saw plenty of mesas, and while pretty, are nothing special. Yes, the cleavage of the rocks can sparkle a bit, but as somebody who lived in NM, I've seen all this before, in greater quantity. To give you an idea of the size of the hills, the highlight of the ride is a pull-off point where there is a short walking trail up to the peak of one of the "mountains". Don't do this ride without stopping there, or it's just not worth it. Also, there's NO TURNS. It's rather dull to be honest. It's a great little test strip if you've ever had the urge to figure how fast your bike will go...Other than that, not so much of a reason to repeat this one.
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