33 in Oklahoma of 40 Routes 20 miles Miles 0 Followers
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Motorcycle Route Author

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By ChazSV (20 McR Points) on Apr 22, 2019

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Written Directions

From Route 66 in Bristow, OK. Turn North onto Highway 16 and travel 20 miles to Drumright, OK.


There are no developed areas on this route. Your views will be sweeping vistas and tree-lined twisty road.

Drive Enjoyment

The pavement is near perfect so you can lean into the curves with no stops for the entire ride. Multiple elevation changes with sweeping curves with twisties in between.

Tourism Opportunities

No amenities on Highway 16. This ride is for the road and scenery. There are restaurants in Bristow at the start of the ride.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

This is a segment of my route from Edmond, OK east on Route 66 to Bristow, north on Highway 16 to Drumright, east on Highway 33 to Guthrie and south on I-35 back to Edmond, OK. A varied and fun 160-mile loop that I ride often.

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