90 in North Carolina of 105 Routes 35 Miles 1 Followers
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By Pouge (62 McR Points) on Oct 05, 2011

Rider Reviews

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Have ridden portions of that route. For eastern…

Written Directions

You'll start from downtown Hertford from Rt. 37 onto W. Grubb St. This road will turn into Center Hill Highway. In a few miles, take a right onto Beech Springs Rd. Ride until the Yield sign. Bear right onto County Line Rd. In a couple of miles take a left onto Ryland Rd. Ride to the next stop sign. This will be Rt. 32, Virginia Rd. Go across 32 onto Cannon's Ferry Rd. Ride Cannon's Ferry Rd. (This road turns into Catherine Creek Rd.) to the next stop sign. At stop sign, take a left onto Carters Rd. Ride to Stop sign. Take a left onto Rt. 37. Take 37 into Gatesville, and take a left onto Rt. 137 (Court St.). Ride 137 to Stop sign. At stop sign you will be at Rt. 158/13. Right will take you to Suffolk/Elizabeth City. Left will take you to Winton, Mufreesboro, and Routes 95 and 85. Straight across will take you down Sandbanks Rd., and Suffolk.


A couple of small towns and a lot of farmland. Some old houses are also highlights on this ride.

Drive Enjoyment

At first, the road is a bit rough, but it eventual becomes fairly smooth. Decent curves and very little traffic. Expect farm equipment on the road in the spring and fall...

Tourism Opportunities

Besides Hertford and Gatesville, there isn't too many places to stop and fuel up. I recommend getting gas early. Hertford has several gas stations south of town and one BP station at the corner of 37 and West Grubb St. Gas in rural areas can be questinable, especially if you're running premium.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

A good leisurely trip through the farmlands of northeastern N.C. there is a place to eat down from the end of the ride. Take a right onto 158/13, a couple of miles down is Tarheel BBQ. Good food.

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Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Have ridden portions of that route. For eastern NC, it is not bad. There are a few good curves as the road twists through creek bottoms. Really enjoyed the stop at Cannon Ferry. The county has created a nice history of the area.
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