39 in New York of 72 Routes 68 Miles 0 Followers
2 Rode it 6 Want to Ride it
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5 out of 5 Rider Rating 5
2 Reviews

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By MCR Contributor (1039 McR Points) on Dec 04, 2010

Rider Reviews

MCR Contributor
1039 McR Points
An AWESOME RIDE!! Picturesque views of the…
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15 McR Points
Left from Rotterdam Junction and took 160 to 30…

Written Directions

If you're riding from the Capital District area, its best to take I-88 west to exit 23 (Central Bridge) to find the beginning of the route. Follow Rt 30A south from exit 23 until it merges with Rt 30 north of Schoharie. Follow Rt 30 south through Schoharie to Middleburg. In Middleburg bear left at the traffic light on Main St. to get on Rt 145 (if you want to ride the loop in the other direction, just take a right at this light, cross the bridge and take your next left to continue south on Rt. 30, then make a left on to Rt 990v south of Mine Kill State Park). Follow Rt 145 down to Cooksburg. Make a right where Rt. 81 intersects Rt 145 (before the small bridge infront of you) on to Potter Hollow Road. Stay left at the fork to merge on to Co. Rd. 354. Follow 354 which becomes Co Rd. 3 when it crosses into Schoharie County, and then becomes NY-990v when it approaches the Schoharie Reservoir. Turn right at the intersection with Rt 30 to head north and complete the loop.


The route takes you through the gorgeous Schoharie Valley. Large farm fields stretch away from both sides of Route 30. Nice views of the Schoharie Creek are possible from the many bridges over it along Route 30. Route 990v/ Co. Rd. 3/Co. Rd. 354 is heavily wooded and makes for a pretty foliage ride in the fall.

Drive Enjoyment

Route 30 is a first class road. The speed limit is 55 mph between the small towns that line it, its chock full of great big sweepers, and the pavement is ultra-smooth with few exceptions. Rt. 990v/Co. Rd. 3/Co. Rd. 354 has plenty of twisties but can be a rough ride in places due to the large number of potholes and cracks in the road. This route gets three stars due to the roughness of Rt. 990v.

Tourism Opportunities

The Alley Cat Diner in Schoharie is a nice place to grab lunch. There are plenty of gas stations and other little eateries in both Schoharie and Middleburg. History buffs should check out the Old Stone Fort in Schoharie, a historic fort dating back to the Revolutionary War. There are also a couple of state parks in the area worth stopping at (Max V. Shaul and Mine Kill). Be sure to stop at the Blenheim-Gilboa Power Project Vistors Center/Lansing House just north of Mine Kill State Park on Route 30 for great views of the Schoharie Valley and the resevoir created by the Power Project.

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MCR Contributor
1039 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
An AWESOME RIDE!! Picturesque views of the valleys from some of the higher hills. Plenty of places for refreshments and good road quality. Larger groups may have to "single-file" it in some spots but overall there's plenty of room for a good staggered group. Apparently the word is out on this one since on a beautiful August Sunday the bikes out-numbered the cars by about 3 to 1.
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15 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
Left from Rotterdam Junction and took 160 to 30 south, also a really beautiful part of the ride!
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