46 in New York of 72 Routes 44105 Miles 0 Followers
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3 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Jul 31, 2008

Rider Reviews

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As a local and a new rider, I found this route…
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i take 80 all the time,used to live in west…

Written Directions

Ft. Plain NY is where you will pick up Route 80 and take it south to Cooperstown, NY ... approximately 30 miles.


After you take the Ilion gorge road from rt. 20 to Ilion take rt 5 east until you come to Ft. plain and then take rt 80 south all the way to Cooperstown, this is the sister road to rt. 51 as far as traveling thru a gorge, and following a creek which you will pass over several times, it has wonderful twists and turns and some of the best scenery in upstate NY. you will travel thru Van Hornesville a very small town, don't blink, but you will be impressed by the stone buildings here. watch yourself as you leave VH because there is a very deceptive turn coming up that just keeps turning. Continuing south you will cross over rt. 20 again and come upon Otsego lake on your left, watch your speed thru here because there are usually staties riding the road. you will enter Cooperstown as you come upon the farmers museum and then the Otesaga resort. the resort is a good place to stop for lunch or a beverage and sit on the porch then you can head into town and check out the baseball hall of fame. Note: I ride this road at least once a week and have several variations of the return route, sometimes I go west to Ilion and take rt51 back south and sometimes I go east to Canajoharie and take rt. 10 back south to my home in Cooperstown.

Drive Enjoyment

The road quality for the most part is very good with a few spots that need to be watched out for, such as when a tractor has been in and out the fields and drags some mud or other matter onto the highway. there are lots of twists and turns ,some that are real tight and others are that are grand and sweeping but as always in upstate NY you need to watch out for the deer and farm tractors.

Tourism Opportunities

Once you leave ft. plain until you get to Cooperstown there isn't much in the way of shopping or food. when you get to the town of Springfield there is a nice little gift shop you can check out but you really need to get to Cooperstown for dining at several places. along the Otsego lake are many motels you can choose from and once in town there are several B&B's. I would recommend checking out the chamber of commerce. there are also several camp grounds south of the village and also on the east side of the lake (you will be coming down the west side) and north of the village is the NY state campground called Glimmerglass state park.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather.

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Motorcycle Type : Standard
As a local and a new rider, I found this route very enjoyable. I recommend looping the lake and heading east on Route 20 to Sharon Springs (a great old spa town), then south on 10 to Canajoharie (of Beechnut fame). There's a few eateries and shops in each town. The Fenimore (Cooperstown) and Arkell (Canjo) Museums make this a nice art trip, if you enjoy that kind of thing.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
i take 80 all the time,used to live in west burlington,ny and 80 is one of my favorite roads. take it to rt. 51 in west burlington and then take 51 south all the way to rt. 8 another really nice ride,I'll take photos of that and post them
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Motorcycle Type : Other
You should have continued on 80. going east/south, it's one of the great unknown roads in the state. About 80 miles all together. Didn't keep count, I was having too much phun
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