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By mchance (899 McR Points) on Mar 15, 2024

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Written Directions

From Union, MO, travel west on US 50 for approximately 3-4 miles to the intersection with Hwy AJ. Turn right onto Hwy AJ and follow for 6.2 miles to the intersection with Hwy YY.


This route is typical mid Missouri countryside, and travels past several farms and open pastures, over the rolling Missouri hills. The road is partially tree lined, and offers some nice vista views from the tops of ridges and hills, and from the valley of Saint Johns Creek.

Drive Enjoyment

This is very much a cruising route, with almost all sweeping turns (40-50 MPH) with only a couple of slower turns, and rolling hills. The road is well maintained rolled asphalt.

Tourism Opportunities

The route starts near Union, MO, which has a number of restaurants and shops. At the end of the route at the intersection with Hwy YY is the Clover Bottom Bar & Grill.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

This is a nice connector route between US 50 and Hwy YY.

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