43 in Illinois of 52 Routes 23 Miles 0 Followers
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By osakagreg (10 McR Points) on May 22, 2021

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Written Directions

Start in Vctoria, IL and finish in Gilsen, IL. The route should take you past Spoon Lake and through Dahinda and ends at Wolf Covered Bridge.


This route will cross Spoon River several times. The destination ends at Wolf Covered Bridge. It is a beautiful covered bridge on a road that does not get much traffic. This route has several hills (for Illinois), plenty of water and forest. If you appreciate the smell of country air, you’ll be passing plenty of pig farms.

Drive Enjoyment

The roads are paved well with exception to the small patch just before Wolf Covered Bridge, but it is certainly safe for a motorcycle at a slow speed. The bridge is big enough for one car at a time and is used to cross the river in either direction.

Tourism Opportunities

This is strictly a scenic route through small towns.

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