17 in Illinois of 52 Routes 6 Miles 0 Followers
6 Rode it 2 Want to Ride it
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3.2 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.2
6 Reviews

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By ViragoDan (129 McR Points) on Sep 08, 2012

Rider Reviews

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8 McR Points
Pluses: Close to home in suburban Chi - McGough…
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2 McR Points
Skip the gravel. I start or end (Usually both…

Written Directions

This route starts at IL Route 64. In Burlington, head North on County Line Road. This road will make a right turn, but be careful as the road turns to hard packed gravel. Make a right turn to head North on McGough Road/Co Hwy 28. This road will now give you a few twisties, and the road is completely free from any defects. Follow the posted speed limits on the twisties the first time through to familiarize yourself with them. You will end up at Union Cemetary at the intersection of McGough road and Peplow Road. You may take this south to re-access Route 64


This ride will take you through farmland with some small patches of trees. When I was on this road, there was absolutely no traffic except my fellow rider. Very clean area to take in the farms and trees. The cemetery at the North end of this road is small, but kind of neat to look at. A lot of firefighters are buried there.

Drive Enjoyment

The very first part of this road, County Line Road, has hard packed gravel on most of it, but it was fine when taking the turn slowly on a cruiser. McGough Road was absolutely perfect. Not a single flaw or crack. It is a concrete road, not asphalt, and is very lightly traveled, so it should stay that way for a very long time.

Tourism Opportunities

Being a small stretch of road through farmland, there are no amenities, but you can head North on Co Hwy 11 (South Street) and you will be in the town of Burlington within two miles where you can get a bite to eat.

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8 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Pluses: Close to home in suburban Chi - McGough rd does have a lot of turns (flat, off & on camber)& speed changes for its 6 mi distance
Minuses: slow speed riding on hard packed gravel of County rd didn't add much to the ride - I'd rather start the ride directly on McGough rd
Side Note: Peplow rd has a reasonably smooth 2 mi straightaway with nothing but 1 stop sign and only crows to be disturbed...

Thanks for the ride suggestion to ViragoDan
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Skip the gravel. I start or end (Usually both!!!)at Winners Circle Bar and Grill next to Sycamore Speedway. Road had to be designed by a rider. Turns are all banked. Its a blast!
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
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10 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
McGough Road is a weird stretch of beautiful turns in the middle of farm country, near perfect road surface.
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