17 in Idaho of 34 Routes 108 Miles 0 Followers
3 Rode it 1 Want to Ride it
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4.33 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.33
3 Reviews

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By Dr. B (126 McR Points) on Nov 01, 2020

Rider Reviews

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Dr. B
126 McR Points
This is a great ride for scenery and tight…
Christopher Kmet
327 McR Points
A+ on scenery, roads moderate skill level

Written Directions

The run starts in Cambridge Idaho where you leave Hwy 95 and turn left onto 71. You simply follow this through high desert farmland and hills with lots of great curves and scenery. The scerey and curves just get better and better as you go along the the snake river on the Brownlee Oxbow Hwy. I think the curves match any dragon or snake I have been on across the country. After crossing the dam and entering Oregon you continue along Hells Canyon on the Oregon side of the snake river and go to towards Copperfield. You then go towards Hallfway but keep your eye out for a 170* turn onto the Wallowa Hwy Loop to Joseph. If you get to Halfway you missed it. The Wallowa Hwy loop takes you through the Wallowa Whitman National Forest to Joseph OR. The scenery is 5/5 and the ride enjoyment if you like curves is also 5/5. There is a bad section of road with large pot holes toward Joseph as you come down out of the mountains for about 2 miles but they are easy to see and avoid. A side trip to Imnaha OR on your way to Joseph just adds to the enjoyment. Not much in the way of services so gas up before leaving Cambridge or Joseph. The ride to La Grade OR is nice and connects you with other described routes. This route matches any other I have done across the US for corners, ride enjoyment and scenery with the exception of the mountain views of the San Juan Mountains CO. There is hardly any traffic which is an added bonus except for during hunting season.


This is an excellent combination of high desert ranch land and hills (mountains by east coast standards hills by west coast) transitioning into canyon-river views and then finishing up with great mountain views and ever green trees (in the fall the bright yellow Tamaracks. I will be surprised if you don't rate it as one of the best in the US as I have

Drive Enjoyment

Lots and lots of curves many of which are 120 degrees plus, especially along the river before the dam. Not something you wound want to race however as there is rock walls on one side and a drop off into the water on the other. I would be surprised if it does not match the Tail of the Dragon for most of you. Take the corners seriously as there are no medical services for miles. The road quality is excellent with the exception of the 2 miles of road coming down out of the mountains toward Joseph which they are working on.

Tourism Opportunities

Joseph is a Tourist / Artsy town and a lot of fun but Cambridge is a farm town so between them there is just a fun ride and scenery. Stop at Bucky's Cafe in Cambridge for some great food. The milkshakes have been a tradition for use after hunting for 30 years. Take you time in Joseph at some great restaurants and shops and you will just add to your trip.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

The route takes about 3 hours even though it is only 108 miles. Enjoy the ride!

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Dr. B
126 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This is a great ride for scenery and tight corners. Very little traffic but be sure and get gas at Cambridge or Joseph
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Christopher Kmet
327 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
A+ on scenery, roads moderate skill level
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40 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Scenic and lots of cutbacks, road can be rough in locations, not for the novice. Most of the road is very narrow and there are no guardrails. It’s a logging road that was paved.
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