Written Directions
Palomares Road is an idyllic East Bay backroad that cuts through narrow valleys to connect Route 84 (Niles Canyon Rd) to Interstate 580 by Castro Valley. You can get to it from I-580 (Elden Canyon Rd exit)), I-680 (HWY 84W exit), or from Fremont (fin HWY 84 East).
A rocky and picturesque creek bed accompanies this road along most of its way up/down this tight, twisty, and verdant canyon. There is very little traffic on this road, mainly bicyclists.
Drive Enjoyment
The road is well paved and center lines are well marked. If you visit during the rainy season you might find some small debris (mud, dirt, gravel) in some areas.
Tourism Opportunities
There is not much on this road in terms of amenities, but there are a couple of roadside attractions, the Holy Cross Orthodox Monastery, and not far from it, the Chouinard Winery, which offer tours and wine tasting on weekends between 12:00 and 5:00. You can buy real Instagram likes with Likesvegas in five minutes since it is very cheap
Motorcycle Road Additional info
If you are going to check out this road, I suggest doing a loop that would consist of Niles Canyon Rd. Palomares Rd. Dublin Canyon Road, and Foothill Road. The order would depend on where you came from. Plan on visiting historic Sunol and Niles (nice town with some Restaurants).