Written Directions
From 821 North to Lower Salem, Ohio take the right onto 145 North. (It starts off as Main St. but leaves town shortly thereafter.)
There's not a hell of a lot of scenery, but I wouldn't exactly call it boring. Truth be told, the further north you get the more you're going to be wanting to be focused on the road, with all of it's blind hills.
Drive Enjoyment
The further north you are the better condition the road is in (a 5). Further south it's just fine at 4.
Tourism Opportunities
Not much. Like many of the roads in and around Wayne's it's a ride, not really a destination for a bar/club/fuel etc.
Motorcycle Road Additional info
This road is nick named 'The Rollercoaster' for a reason. While there's plenty of roads in this area with blind hills I do believe I counted into the late teens of blind hills on this road, and the further north you are the more anxious you may become. Great fun.