Written Directions
On WA #17,Soap Lake going North, along Banks lake (area know as the scablands) to Grand Coulee, then up 3000' over the Disautel Pass to Omak on Wa 155
South end runs along Soap Lake, then through a redish rock gorge right along the water all the way to Grand Coulee.You will pass Dry Falls,just south of Coulee City, sight of the once largest waterfall in NA! From grand Coulee you will go from the hot dry desert up 3000' into the forest and back down to the Okanagan heat again in Omak.
Drive Enjoyment
Great road,good pavement,not busy,some twisties on the pass, great scenery as you ride along the waters edge, lots of scenery! No hairy curves, just a nice ride that makes you think you are in Arizona for a while!
Tourism Opportunities
All you need! Grand Coulee has it all.