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5 out of 5 Rider Rating 5
1 Review

Motorcycle Route Author

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By ThomSS (3744 McR Points) on Sep 12, 2020

Rider Reviews

3744 McR Points
September 13, 2020
Was on it over labor Day weekend/2020. I prefer…

Written Directions

Note: this route runs along the Muskingum River's western banks where another local route - Route 60 River Run Along the Muskingum runs along the eastern bank. In comparison of the two routes, this route's author says "the west bank has hardly any traffic, slower speed limit, no traffic lights, more curves, more tree line, some canopy, better scenery, and hugs the river far more closely." To get to this route, you can start at either end, we'll start on the south end at Stockport. Riding west on 266, after crossing bridge into Stockport, ride about 1/2 mile to right-hand turn onto Tieber Rd aka Morgan CR-2 aka N Riverview Rd (just past the cemetery). In about 10 miles you'll enter Malta. At stop sign at steel truss bridge, go straight, take first left, 2nd left, doesn't matter, then in one block turn right at stop sign. Follow thru roundabout at OH-78. At roundabout CR-2 becomes OH-669 for next 7.5 miles. When 266 goes off to the West (left), stay straight on CR-2. In a couple miles Morgan CR-2 becomes Muskingum CR-6 (Old River Road). Follow it till it ends at stop sign at OH-555.


Once you get about 2 miles north on Tieber Rd/CR-2, this route closely hugs the west bank of the Muskingum River almost the entire route. Has many scenic views of the river and locks. Tree lined a large part of the way, especially on river (east) side, nice canopy here and there between Stockport & Malta and a few other spots.

Drive Enjoyment

Any road that follows a river is curvy, the " Old River Road Run" is no exception. Hilly in a few spots, but mostly flat, hardly any traffic. The pavement is in pretty good shape, there is a little rough patch on south end of Malta and riding thru Malta, your in a 25 MPH zone, so not a big deal. More food and gas options on other side of the river in McConnelsville, Gaysport, and Duncan Falls, there is a BP in Malta, but that's it for gas on west side of river. The bridges over the Muskingum River are at Malta/McConnelsville, Gaysport, and Philo "Crybaby Bridge"/Duncan Falls. As of Sep-2020 Philo/"Crybaby" Bridge is down to one lane regulated by traffic light, however new bridge should be completed in early 2021. This is a cruiser route, many trailers and campers dotted along the river, along with some houses. A few spots where nothing is around, where you can pick up the pace and play a little, however they're small spurts. If your looking for a nice, peaceful, laid back, scenic ride up to north end of Triple Nickel, this is it.

Tourism Opportunities

You have the beautiful, historic, rustic, Stockport Mill Inn & Restaurant on the Dam in Stockport. Three-four historic locks, (all are on the east side of the river). Great views on the river, a little falls south of Malta by a lock. The Historic Twin City Opera House in McConnelsville is pretty cool place to check out, has ghost tours if your into that. Old Bridge Brewing Company/McConnelsville. Many good places to eat... River Queen Tavern in Malta... McConnelsville has Boondocks (my favorite), El Palenque Mexican Restaurant (new, haven't ate there yet, but hear it's good), Maxwell Pizza (pizza and cheese bread was good, has an outdoor balcony overlooking the river), Riverside Cafe (at the far north end of CR-6 just before OH-555), and Triple Nickel Saloon is one mile north on 555 once you come to the end of the county road. Couple places to eat in Duncan Falls, but have only had ice cream at Dairy Queen.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

Stockport Mill Inn is a great place to base for a weekend or longer and ride the great roads in southeast Ohio. Pretty much every road in the area is good! All are reachable day rides. Construction on 669 (slide repair), one lane maintained by traffic light, just a small stretch. Scheduled to be completed by Oct/2020.

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  Earn McR Points
September 13, 2020
3744 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Slingshot
Was on it over labor Day weekend/2020. I prefer this over OH-60. Hardly any traffic, slower speed limits, no traffic lights, more curves, more tree line, some canopy, better scenery, and hugs the river far more closely. It's a nice, laid back ride, have a couple places you can play a little. If you want to ride the Muskingum, give it try.
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