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By mchance (900 McR Points) on Sep 28, 2023

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Written Directions

Take your best route to the intersection of Main St. (Hwy B) and St. Joseph St. (Hwy T) in Perryville, MO. Head west on St. Joseph St, and continue on Hwy T for 29 miles, to the intersection with Hwy OO, which is halfway between Farmington and Fredericktown.


The route starts at the courthouse square in Perryville, with its early 20th century courthouse, and initially travels through the residential neighborhoods of the west side of Perryville. Once into the countryside, the road follows the south fork of Saline Creek, before rising up onto the ridge at Silver Lake, which it mostly follows the rest of the route. Most of the route goes through heavily wooded hills and valleys, making for a great scenic ride during the fall season.

Drive Enjoyment

This is a mostly curvy route, with gentler curves between Perryville and Silver Lake, then tighter curves past Silver Lake to Hwy OO. The route is very hilly, as well. The road is primarily chip and seal pavement, but well maintained.

Tourism Opportunities

There are two main tourist attractions in Perryville. The first is the Missouri National Veterans Memorial, which is a full scale replica of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC. The second is the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Perryville is also has numerous shops and restaurants.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

Hwy T is often used as a connector between Perryville and Farmington.

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