Motorcycle Route Author

By Guest (0 McR Points)
on Jul 31, 2003
Rider Reviews
Written Directions
IMPORTANT MOTORCYCLE ROAD CONSTRUCTION UPDATE (updated Nov 2021): The road/bridge construction that began blocked part of the Three Sisters route in Sep of 2020 concluded in April of 2021 so all should be good now. Here is the blog that covered the construction update for more information!
The Three Sisters route starts in Medina, TX. From Medina catch RR337 (at this point you are starting on "The Three Sisters") heading west (right). Take RR337 west until you come up on the town of Leakey. At Leakey, go north on US 83 for a just about a mile and look for RR336 on the left. Take a left onto RR336 which will head you north. Continue north on RR336 until you meet Texas 41 and at this point you will want to turn left in order to head west. Go west for 15 miles or so and you will find RR335 on the left. Take a left (east) and get on RR335 and drive south down to Camp Wood where you can take a left on to RR337 and finish out the loop when you hit Leakey again.Scenery
A ride through this part of Texas will most certainly change your view of my beloved state. You will ride amongst scenery as good as it gets, along clear rivers, through very twisty mountain type curves amidst real Texas Ranches. With million dollar vistas and cool clear waters along with friendly folks and knowing that you are riding the best this large state can offer, makes for great riding... Nueces River (pronounced New-Aces) on Ranch Rd 335Drive Enjoyment
This route is mainly very twisty passing over large hills and between not many gas stations. This roller coaster ride will no doubt blow you away. The road is not heavily traveled, but beware as sharp turns have certainly taken many motorcyclist down. Also, although the surface is mostly in very good condition, always watch for loose gravel, deer and slow moving locals heading back to their ranch ... often a much slower pace than we're zippin by at.Frio River just outside Leaky, (pronounced lay-key) on Ranch Road 337. Just after having gone through the Twisted Sister from Vanderpool (contributed by The Geezy Rider, Aug 08)
On Ranch Road 337 just prior to hitting Vanderpool (contributed by The Geezy Rider, Aug 08)
Huge ranch just north of Campwood on Ranch Road 335 (contributed by The Geezy Rider, Aug 08)