"Incredible motorcycle roads can be found in each of the three scenery regions of Utah (UT): the Rocky Mountain region, the Great Basin, and the Colorado Plateau. The Rocky Mountain region is found mostly in northern and northeastern Utah. The Great Basin is found in the western third of the state and features arid sparsely populated areas with small mountain ranges and rugged terrain. The Colorado Plateau is found in the eastern and southern two-thirds of Utah. In this area motorcycle rides will wind through buttes, mesas, and deep river canyons. Roadside-amenities in some of these areas can be sparse so make sure you have a plan for where to get gas, eat, and stay the night.
Best Rated Motorcycle Roads & Rides

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Color Key: top-5 ranked routes in the state
Routes ranked below the top-5 are drawn in gray

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
This is a mountain route starting at Loa (elevation 7,064') with the usual desert brush wherever there is no irrigated ranchland. Then on the lower slopes are semi-arid trees like Utah juniper,…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Spectacular views, challenging turns, lots of variety. You'll leave the steep, red rock canyon walls along the Colorado River, then travel along an irrigated valley with small, scattered ranches and…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
For anyone riding Highway 9 to Zion, this side trip is Southern Utah's best kept secret. It winds out of Virgin, Utah and up into vistas of Zion NP and Kolob mountain that few outsiders see. Some…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
30/40/50 mile vistas! High Desert. Red Rock. Geological riff! Natural Bridges National Monument! Keep a camera hanging from your neck while riding...USE IT..you'll want to remember this ride "…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Legend has it that 150 years ago cowboys rounded up a number of wild mustangs and after herding them to the point, fenced off any escape for them on a narrow 30 yard wide approach to the point. Later…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
This route covers a variety of scenery along the route, covering both rural and small town areas. Along the way you will encounter some wooded areas, as well as several recreational reservoirs. The…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Six degrees of fun. That is, if you like feeling you're an explorer. These six sections of roadway and scenery will keep you awake and happy. Along the way, I encountered one vehicle every half hour…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
The views of the canyon walls on each side of the road going a couple of hundred feet up are amazing! There is a large slot canyon on the North side of the road that you can walk back into and…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
This ride through the John's Valley and East Fork Sevier River travels through open range country with mountains to either side. Virtually no traffic except for cattle! A super ride when leaving…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
This route is almost always bypassed by those that do not know it is there. It is the old canyon road that was used before the final completion of interstate 70. Awesome scenery for sure. Follows…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Rolling hills and majestic mountain views. Wind through an old coal-mining town as well as witness a working coal mine assembly along the roadway and trains being loaded for transport. Scofield…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
Antelope Island is known for it's antelope, of course. It also has one of the largest herds of buffalo in America, and they freely roam all over the island. It's not uncommon to pass a herd of 100…

Ride Enjoyment
Tourism Opportunities
The day starts out with open Mesa terrain and occasional tall rock formations which a climber would love to get at. At Cortez, if you want to add an hour and a half to your day, take 491 S to 160 and…