Overall Route Rating
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3.56 out of 5 Rider Rating 3.56
20 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Apr 30, 2009

Rider Reviews

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2 McR Points
March 25, 2016
This is an excellent piece of pavement and twisty…
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July 9, 2012
The Mercer Island loop is a great short ride with…

Written Directions

The route is all within Mercer island which is in the Seattle Metro area. So, if you're coming from Seattle heading east, you will want to take the first exit from I-90E. I believe it's called Mercer way. Same as goes if you're coming in from the West (from Bellevue). If you're coming from Seattle, take the exit and turn right at the stop sign. You will be on Mercer Loop. Ride the road all the way, and you'll eventually connect to I-90 again. If you're coming in from Bellevue, take the Mercer way exit and turn left at the stop sign and take the road all the way to the other side back onto I-90.


Most of the scenery on this ride is made up of the million dollar homes situated within the community. If you ride slow, you will see many, but be careful with the sight-seeing, the road is very windy and needs constant attention. If you weary of riding on the outside of the road, with many drop-offs (no railing), you might want to go east to west, as you'll be on the inside of the two lanes (away from the drop-offs). Down side is, there are many man-hole covers that sporty riders need to take in account. Enjoy and remember to limit the gazing at the mansions situated all on that road! Mercer Island is situated in the middle of Lake Washington and you'll have views of the cityscape and surrounding mountains.

Drive Enjoyment

VERY TWISTY! Some with 180 banked turns! There are no potholes for the most part, but there are driveways leading up into the two-lane road, so keep a look-out for rocks and dirt making its way to the edges of the road. There are also many sewer covers, specially in the extremely windy areas if you're coming from East to West. Also, look out for bicyclists and pedestrians on the side of the road!

Tourism Opportunities

There are no amenities here. There are two parks which you can visit, one of them is quite visible from the road and provides a path down to the lake and the other can only be found by signs (Groveland).

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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Jackson Moniaga
August 4, 2020
14 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Great ride around the bourgeois hood. The south and east part of the loop have less traffic and longer sweeping curves. I almost went back for seconds.
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August 9, 2020
72 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
nice ride, but very heavy with bicyclist on the west half and pedestrians on the west 2/3. do not ride during any weekday if school buses are running. best speed 35, typical speed 25-30
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October 30, 2020
24 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
A mostly uninterrupted loop around a residential community. The highest speed limit is 30mph. The Eastside of the island is very twisty and typically ridden in 4th/5th gear. Must share the road with cyclists (some with an attitude). Remember that you're a visitor passing through a residential area, so ride through with a healthy dose of respect for the residents and wildlife there (deer, raccoons, squirrels, owls are often observed). Residents there often show their displeasure by standing on the shoulder with a camera to share videos on social media and complain. Well patrolled by law enforcement during the more pleasant season. Eastside of the island is well paved with fresh asphalt laid within the last two years (now 2020). Westside is not as nice, but still OK with some places are chip sealed and the gravel can be loose after the chilly season.
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