Overall Route Rating
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4 out of 5 Rider Rating 4
6 Reviews

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By jhlemay (5 McR Points) on Nov 17, 2011

Rider Reviews

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May 28, 2012
I think this little track rates up there with the…
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65 McR Points
July 21, 2015
I found the Dragon like section to be 33 into…

Written Directions

Hgwy 131 out of Tomah, Wi, south through the valley a great scenic tour along the Kickapoo River,ample opportunity to take scenic roads off the main route which provide significant hilly terrain to ride on. Includes views of Amish Communities and great cheese factories. Ends at LaFarge, Wi. Scenery great, road quality excellent and amenities marginal, except for the kickapoo River Visitor Center which is very interesting.


This route crosses the Kickapoo River at least 12 times as it winds thru the valley, beautiful forests on either side and if one ventures onto the scenic road as designated, major elevation changes and very interesting elements including an Amish school and many farms, a great local cheese factory and store and some very prosperous farms.

Drive Enjoyment

The main road is great, well paved and maintained, 45 mph limit, the scenic road is less maintained but still quite good, frequent horse droppings to avoid from the many carriagers that use the road.

Tourism Opportunities

Highlight of the road is the visitor center which tells the story f the dam that was never built.

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May 28, 2012
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I think this little track rates up there with the tail of the dragon. Not as many turns in as short a space but the scenery and the length surpass the tail. This is a beautiful ride, well worth going out of your way. It is, as is this part of Wisconsin, a destination unto itself.
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July 21, 2015
65 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I found the Dragon like section to be 33 into Wildcat Mountain Park, fun but shorter than the Dragon. 131 was an enjoyable ride, getting progressively curvier as I went South. I then took 82 to Viroqua and back.. great ride. Like US 221 VA to me. Worth riding again for sure.
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January 16, 2019
35 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
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