9 in Arizona of 45 Routes 137771 Miles 0 Followers
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13 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Mar 31, 2003

Rider Reviews

White Wolf
30 McR Points
Took this road out of Globe late April 2016.…
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Took this ride with a buddy who rides a 2006 ZX-…

Written Directions

To follow the path I describe above (in the Roadside Amenities section), just get to Globe Arizona and head north on 60 all the way up to Show Low.


This route starts out about 80 miles east of Phoenix in Globe Arizona and covers some great scenery, from a road with great twists and turns and offers some pretty cool things to do along the way. Then you end up in frontier town of Show Low Arizona where there are a lot of places to eat and places to stay for the night (over 600 hotel rooms) and a casino if you want to make a weekend trip out of it. You'll start out in a desert landscape and then make your way north and up in elevation. You'll be able to see many mountain peaks and ranges and enter the San Carlos Apache Reservation (was at one point the home of Geronimo). You'll pass by Seneca Lake where you can walk around the lake and find the Seneca Lake waterfalls. You're drive will bring you up to an incredible view of the colorful Salt River Canyon. And you'll get some great views of the White Mountains and the Mogollon Rim that travels all the way north into Colorado.

Drive Enjoyment

This is one great road for motorcycles! It's a great mix of curves and sweepers with a few nice sections of switchbacks thrown in (especially around Seneca) broken up with some straightaways in between. Something for all types of riders!

Tourism Opportunities

This road offers nice pull-offs that give you great views of the changing scenery. Also there is ample camping and fishing opportunities and if you're up for it, you can do some white water rafting in the Salt river (another rafting company link). Globe Arizona has the remains of an interesting 700 year old Native American pueblo. You can walk around the former 200 room structure and even climb some of the ladders leading to the different levels. Its called the Besh-Ba-Gowah Archaeological Park and it has the world's largest collection of what they call Salado Pottery. Globe has a long and interesting history and is one of the world's largest source of turquoise in the world and home to some impressive arts and craft shops. You can also visit Globe during Apache Days (October) and watch the many Native American displays and shop for Native American crafts, arts, clothing and even food. At the Seneca Lake Recreation Area you can just walk around and see the falls or do some fishing. The road I describe ends in Show Low Arizona where you can find plenty to do; including a Casino.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather . - Arizona Travel - Arizona State Par

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White Wolf
30 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Took this road out of Globe late April 2016. Great road! Really has a nice mix of everything. Beautiful scenery, tight twisty sections, sweepers and long straights sections. Road condition was near perfect as in no potholes, etc. I counted 4 LEO's all running their radar. Traffic was moderate midweek. Would I go 500 miles out of my way just to run it? No. But if it could be included into my journey and only add 100 miles or so... I would add it.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Took this ride with a buddy who rides a 2006 ZX-6RR. Beautiful scenery, nice twisties. Saw 1 LEO who was just patrolling looking for broken down cars. Many places to stop and take pics, especially once you get down to the Salt River Canyon.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Another great road to ride in Arizona. I live in Arkansas so I don't get out here often enough, as I would prefer. However, when I do, I like to research first for some good roads to ride. Highway 60 through Salt River Canyon doesn't disappoint. I road south from Show Low to Globe and it was a great ride all the way. You start in the cool green forest of ponderosa trees before dropping slowly down into the Salt River Canyon and then crossing the picturesque bridge over the river and then back up the other side of the canyon on down to Globe. Fantastic scenery and good curves and elevation changes throughout most of the route. Word of warning, hydrate yourself before, during and after your ride. I road through there in June and cooked myself and experienced heat exhaustion. I had drank lots of water and it still happened to me. As you all know, ridng a motorcycle can really suck the moisture out of you, and especially in the dry air of Arizona. I recommend this road to any that brave the heat and see some great scenery along the way. Be safe!
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20 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Great views and turns through the canyon.
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