20 in Vermont of 21 Routes 29 Miles 0 Followers
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By Zakis (15 McR Points) on Oct 16, 2013

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Written Directions

Start off in Royalton, VT. You can get off I-89 @ Exit 3, take a left to head east and follow 107 for under a mile to R t 14. From there make a left and follow Rt 14 North for the remainder of the trip into Barre, VT.


This route has it all - rolling hills, twists, turns and one lane bridges! You want to travel this road for the scenery. The area and buildings make you feel like time has forgotten this area. Fall is especially beautiful, as all the leaves become vibrant reds and yellows and oranges. On more than one occasion you will go through narrow passes, where all you have is a river and two narrow lanes of traffic. I don't think you'll see more than 3/4 mile down the road, but around every turn is another gorgeous sight.

Drive Enjoyment

You will follow a narrow two lane country road, loosely following the White River. There are several one-lane underpasses and narrow bridges. The first 12 miles is very rough, with the road undulating quite a bit. While there are no potholes, the road has tracks that are indented from years of traffic, and that can make steering a bit of a challenge at times. If possible, stay towards the middle of the road. If you are traveling in a group, it may be better to ride single file, at least until you reach Randolph. The last 15 miles sees the road improve tremendously. The road remains narrow, but the pavement improves, and the road is flatter with less curves. If you want to make good time, get back on I-89. Otherwise, take your time and enjoy the scenery.

Tourism Opportunities

There is not much for food or rest areas along this route. We saw a few restaurants, but didn't try them out. Gas stations are about 10 miles apart, and you can always stretch your legs and get a packaged snack and soda there.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

While twisty and turn filled, you can't get much speed on these roads. Don't expect to bring your sport-bike up here to shred up the miles. This is a slow, relaxing ride through these roads. You don't want to be going too fast, or one of the bridges with oncoming traffic may catch you off guard.

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