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4 out of 5 Rider Rating 4
8 Reviews

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By MCR Contributor (1039 McR Points) on May 23, 2011

Rider Reviews

4 McR Points
July 19, 2011
Myself and four police officers took the southern…
33 McR Points
July 16, 2016
The tar snakes were horrible. Couldn't enjoy the…

Written Directions

Begin at Hurricane UT. Travel east on UT-9 to Kanab. Follow the Alt 89 south to Fredonia, then to Jacob Lake. Here you can take a side trip to visit the north rim of the Grand Cayon. Back at Jacob Lake, continue east to Page, AZ and visit Lake Powell. (this is a good place to spend the night if you've stopped along the way) Continue from Page and pick up UT89 headed west to complete the loop back to Kanab. From Kanab, retrace UT-9 to Hurricane.


Vistas range from red rock canyons to overlooks on the Kabab National Forrest. This is a beautiful trip through the remote yet almost visually hypnotic southern Utah & northern Arizona lands. Take a detour and include the north rim of the Grand Canyon for a complete trip! You'll pass thru Zion NP on the trip back to Hurricane, Utah. jonhrides added (1/22/12) - From The Pines of Flagstaff to the surreal landscape at Lake Powell this road goes from good to fantastic. From the Navajo Bridge the Cliffs are on your right and the vast expanse of the desert is on your left it is just awesome. As you climb up from the cliffs to the Kaibab Plateau it just doesn't get any better. From Kanab the road through the Grand Staircase-Escalante takes you from surreal desert to cool pines to the massive Lake Powell and the Painted Desert Views of the area.

Drive Enjoyment

All roads are paved and in good shape. We road in October, and had the roads to ourselves. Road condition will vary from year to year. jonhrides added (1/22/12) - While there are occasional rough spots and an occasional pothole this road ranges from good to excellent. The Utah side is the best. A lack of large towns and semi trucks beating the pavement are the reason. It is a real nice mix flats, hills, curves, straights, desert and mountains.

Tourism Opportunities

Hotels, gas and food at almost all stops. Page has all the tourist stuff and great hiking and camping everywhere. jonhrides added (1/22/12) - Things are a little iffy from Flagstaff, there is Cameron's Trading Post with rooms, meals and all the rubber tomahawks you want. Along the Cliffs there is food and lodging that is on par with the location being in the middle of bfe and on the reservation. It is meant for gas and go not a resort stopover. Kanab is a neat little town that was a destination for the motion picture and television industry during the heyday of the western serial's and movies in the 50's, 60's and even the 70's. Numerous landmarks abound and the surrounding area has everything from horseback excursions to kayaking. The town has several motels including modern chains and my personal favorite the small mom and pop motels. These are wonderful when they have been maintained and renovated at decent intervals. Food goes from great to sorry and there are even a couple of movie theaters in town. Parry's lodge was a base for movies stars in days gone by and their breakfast buffet is a good bet for road fuel in the morning. The National Monument ha the expected thing and Lake Powell had the amenities for boaters you would expect. Page has chain and smaller motels as well as the expected restaurants in what is a bit of a retirement town for serious boaters and those who maintain the dam and nearby power plant.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

jonhrides added (1/22/12) - Phoenix to Kanab is a nice long day ride in the spring and summer then a loop through Page and back to Phoenix would make a nice weekend tour. It would be about 8 hours on the road each day though. Bring cold weather and rain gear at all times of the year as the weather up here can change rapidly. Experienced riders already know better. It amazes me when I see people out on the road cold and wet due to traveling with inadequate gear. "Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it". Summer is hot up here even though the elevation is high so stop frequently and drink tons of water.

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July 19, 2011
4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Myself and four police officers took the southern portion of this loop in 2001 from Page to St George UT on my way to a Blue Knights Convention in Vegas. Beautiful beyond description. My wife flew out, however, I convinced her to ride back home. We returned to St George, retraced the route and took a side trip to the North Rim Grand Canyon. She was floored. A storm chased us across the flats toward Page with the Vermillion Cliffs to the north. Amazing scenery!!!
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July 16, 2016
33 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
The tar snakes were horrible. Couldn't enjoy the scenery because of them.
If AZ ever fixes this, it would be a decent ride.
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February 11, 2020
2629 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
-- An alternate is to take 9 out of La Verkin to 89 and back to Kanab. Some hidden scenic sections there. --
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