It's easier to start from Everett, PA and take Rte. 26 South. It winds through a section of Buchanan State Forest. Watch for one or two junctions with other smaller roads and be careful of the last few miles before the Maryland border as the road surface changes abruptly and you'll need to reduce your speed.
Mixed bag of farmland and woods. The best part about this little hidden away run is the solitude ... I have ridden this little route several times throughout the year and have seen literally four other vehicles in either direction!
Drive Enjoyment
A great twisty up and downhill ride with banked turns and a couple of 15 MPH hairpins. Road surface is smooth and pretty much unblemished.
Tourism Opportunities
Nothing really but scenery. Really nothing along the way ... so I had to give it a one in this category.
Motorcycle Road Additional info
- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .
My buds and I rate this as a great tune up for the Dragon. If anyone in your group doesn't care for twisties or they don't like to scrape pegs, you'll sure lose them fast.
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4 riders found this road review useful
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I live in Garrett County MD and Rt 26 into PA is without a doubt my favorite, favorite road to ride. Simply beautiful! Chris must have missed Mike's Place, an eat eat-em-up joint along the way to Everett. We pulled in with 27 bikes last year, unannounced, and he and his staff graciously fed us. Good chow too! Gas up beforehand, though. Mike does not have Premium at his pumps.
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4 riders found this road review useful
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
This is a great road. The corners winding through the middle of the farms is very cool, kind of a WV scene.
Runs out of twisties a little too soon but still a great ride.
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3 riders found this road review useful
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This is a fun road to ride - the Southern portion is especially nice - very secluded, loaded with twists & turns & elevation changes. Very nice !