77 in Pennsylvania of 80 Routes 6 Miles 1 Followers
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By Carversvillian (10 McR Points) on Mar 31, 2021

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Written Directions

In Bucks county, River Road (along the Delaware River) is already incredibly popular, as is Fleecy Dale Road. Old Carversville Road is incredibly scenic, and a portion of it is a dirt road. When it's in poor shape, it's unridable, but the township just spent a lot of money and effort improving the surface. Heading South on River Road in Lumberville PA, take a right onto Old Carversville Road. There's a sign that says "Tinsman Brothers Inc, Paint Hardware Building Materials" just before the entrance. You'll go past the business and up a hill, then you will be rewarded with one of the prettiest roads in Bucks. Follow Old Carversville Road until it becomes paved again, and you cross a bridge across a stream. Turn right again, and follow Fleecy Dale Road (another GORGEOUS road) all the way back to River Road. You'll come out about a 1/4 mile North of where you turned right onto Old Carversville.


Old Carversville Road is one of the hidden gems of Bucks County. Fully wooded once you're on it, with really interesting houses. Be sure to look right about a half mile in to see a house made out of old train cabooses with a 40 foot tower. At the end of the road is a recently recently rebuilt and restored bridge. Fleecy Dale Road is also one of the prettiest in bucks county, with views of a gorgeous stream almost entirely along its length.

Drive Enjoyment

As I said above, Old Carversville has a center section that's dirt. And its been in really bad shape for the past few years. But Solebury Township just spent a considerable amount of money improving it. Its not paved, but its well compacted and ridable. The views are worth riding a bit carefully. Fleecydale is paved and, in the spring has potholes--right now there are few bad ones--but its easily navigable.

Tourism Opportunities

There are restaurants on River Road just below this route. The Black Bass is a lovely old restaurant (with a great British themed Bar) and views of the River. The Lumberville General Store is across the street and has coffee, sandwiches, ice cream AND a public bathroom for customers. Theres also a walking bridge across the Delaware adjacent to the Black Bass that connects to a park on New Jersey on the other side. Really nice to walk across, feel the breeze and take in the views.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

The people who live on Old Carversville Road have resisted letting the Township pave their road with petitions and such specifically because they don't want motorcycles on it. But the jokes on them, the new improvements make it totally accessible. Totally worth checking out, but don't expect happy waves from the residents.

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